Economics serving society

(feb 2015) 5 5 minutes !

  • The Empirics of Agglomeration Economies - Pierre Philippes Combes and Laurent Gobillon. In all four corners of the world, the metropoles are generally seen as engines of growth. In this article synthesising recent research, the authors show that the scale of productivity gains by firms that can be made in larger cities in developed countries can now be established with a certain degree of precision...


  • Research clusters: How public subsidies matter? - Marie-Laure Cabon-Dhersin and Emmanuelle Taugourdeau. European public authorities encourage the geographic grouping of public and private organisations. The goal is to get them to share their research, and to assure a more efficient use of public funds and better distribution of the results of the research...


  • Inégalités de patrimoine entre générations : les donations aident-elles les jeunes à s’installer ? Luc Arrondel, Bertrand Garbinti and André Masson. In France the inheritance gap is growing between the oldest and the youngest generations who, moreover, are inheriting later and later (at around 51 years of age, compared with 42 in 1984). Thus, inheritances come at an age when people are worrying more about their retirement than about getting started in life. Different tax measures have been tried in order to palliate this generational disequilibrium...



  • How Price Elastic is the Demand for Retirement Saving? - Alexis Direr and Rim Ennajar-Sayadi. The elasticity of savings interest rates is a classic question in economics, but until now has remained unexplored in the case of retirement savings (savings whose accumulated capital is converted into annuities upon retirement). This is an crucial question in a context...

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