Economics serving society

AEE Conference | Energy transition: should we fear for jobs? | February 5th, 2024

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The Paris School of Economics and the Association For Energy Economics - France are pleased to invite you to the conference "Energy transition: should we fear for jobs?".

  • Date: February 5th, 2024 ; from 5:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Venue: Paris School of Economics
    48 bd Jourdan, 75014 Paris, room R2-21

Registration required on the event website

The energy transition will induce a major structural transformation of production models and generate macroeconomic repercussions that are still complex to understand. A particular concern concerns employment. Will the transition be synonymous with massive job destruction and relocations due to rising production costs for businesses and losses in competitiveness? Or, on the contrary, will it create growth and new opportunities, with the development of many highly qualified and paid green jobs?
To shed light on this debate, we will rely on a note from the Economic Analysis Council. The authors will present a quantification of the effects of the energy transition on employment, modeled by the introduction of a carbon tax of 100 euros per tonne of CO2.

The presentations will continue with an academic discussion then an exchange with the audience.


5:00pm-5:05pm: Introduction by Christophe Bonnery, President AEE

5:05pm-5:55pm: presentation of the work

5:55pm-6:25pm: debate with the audience

6:25pm-6:30pm: Conclusion, by Christophe Bonnery

6:30pm-7:00pm: Closing Cocktail