La science économique au service de la société

9 mars 2012 - Conférence "Happiness and Economic Growth : Lessons from Developing Countries"

Happiness and Economic Growth : Lessons from Developing Countries

CEPREMAP, Paris School of Economics
Campus Jourdan, Grande salle
48 bd Jourdan, 75014 Paris

March 9, 2012

9h : Reception
9h15 : Welcome address - Daniel COHEN (Director of CEPREMAP)

9h30-10h20 : “Life Satisfaction in China : 1990:2010”
Richard EASTERLIN (University of Southern California) - download the ppt
Discussant : Yann ALGAN (Sciences Po) - download the ppt

10h20-10h40 Coffee break

10h40-11h30 : “The Great Happiness Moderation”
Andrew CLARK, Sarah FLECHE and Claudia SENIK (Paris School of Economics) - download the ppt
Discussant : Paul SEABRIGHT (Toulouse School of Economics) - download the ppt

11h30-12h20 : “Poor, or Just Feeling Poor ? On Using Subjective Data in Measuring Poverty”
Martin RAVALLION (World Bank) - download the ppt
Discussant : Katia ZHURAVSKAYA (Paris School of Economics) - download the ppt

12h20 : lunch

14h-14h50 : “Subjective well-being and social evaluation in developing countries : a case study of China. Comparing SWB to other measures of well-being”
John KNIGHT (Oxford University) - download the ppt
Discussant : Xiaobo ZHANG (IFPRI) - download the ppt

14h50-15h : Coffee break

15h-15h50 : “Income comparisons in China”
Andrew CLARK and Claudia SENIK (Paris School of Economics) - download the ppt
Discussant : Ada FERRER-I-CARBONNELL (CSIC, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics) - download the ppt

15h50-16h30 : Panel discussion
Stefan LOLLIVIER (INSEE) - download the ppt
Conal SMITH (OCDE) - download the ppt
Martin RAVALLION (World Bank) - download the ppt

16h30 : Drinks for all participants and audience