Economics serving society

(call for papers) Sept. 23-24 : Annual Conference of the Chair Banque de France at PSE

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Annual Conference of the Chair Banque de France at Paris School of Economics

Call for Papers

September 23-24, 2019

The Chair Banque de France-PSE is pleased to announce that the Annual Conference of the Chair will take place at PSE.

The Program Committee welcomes submissions in the field of International Macroeconomics. In particular, we are interested in theoretical or empirical papers addressing issues including (but not limited to):

  • International monetary system
  • Monetary trilemma
  • Sovereign debt crises
  • International capital flows

The following speakers have already confirmed their presence:
Barry Eichengreen (University of California Berkeley)
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (University of California Berkeley)
Guido Lorenzoni (Northwestern University)

The Chair Banque de France PSE can cover travel and accommodation expenses for the presenter of accepted papers. Please send a pdf of your paper to chaire.bdf.pse at The deadline for submissions is May 31, 2019.


Olivier de Bandt (Banque de France)
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré (University Paris 1 and Paris School of Economics)
Axelle Ferriere (CNRS and Paris School of Economics)
Francesco Pappadà (Banque de France)