Economics serving society

Call for research projects | Education Policy and Social Mobility Chair

Call for PSE internal research projects

Education Policy and Social Mobility Chair

(by February 29, 2024).

The Direction de l’évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance (DEPP) du Ministère de l’Education nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports, the Ardian Foundation and the Paris School of Economics have created the Educational Policies and Social Mobility research chair within PSE.

Among its activities, the chair funds research projects designed to shed light on educational policies in France. Projects applied to other countries are also eligible, insofar as they can contribute to this enlightenment. Projects must be led by a PSE member, affiliate member or doctoral student.

This is the chair’s fourth call for research projects. All themes covered by the chair are eligible.

Funding requirements can range from 1,000 to 10,000 euros. Eligible expenses include research assistants, data purchases, external services (data entry) and participation in symposia and conferences. In return for funding, the applicant is required to write a one-page annual report in French on the progress of the project, and, if necessary, a four-page summary note at the end of the project, to communicate the results obtained.

Responses to this call for projects should be sent by e-mail to chaire-pems at by February 29, 2024, 11:59 pm. Approximately two pages in length, they should present the project’s motivations, the envisaged modus operandi and timetable, the expected finished product(s), and a commented budget.

Julien Grenet and Nina Guyon are available to discuss ideas in January. It should be noted that the presence of the DEPP among the chair’s partners may facilitate access to certain databases.

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The Education Policy and Social Mobility Chair aims to highlight the mechanisms of unequal access to education, and to identify the policies and actions likely to correct them. This is a key issue for all citizens, which concerns not only public decision makers but also civil society and philanthropic groups that devote much“ effort to supporting young people and their families.