Economics serving society


AFPSE: Lunch in honour of Henri de Castries, Chairman of the Board of Directors of AXA

Henri de Castries, Chairman of the Board of Directors of AXA will deliver a speech on the financial crisis and future perspectives at a lunch in his honour at the French Consulate in New York on the 12th of February. This lunch, chaired by the (...)


Visiting Professors

The Paris School of Economics regularly invites visiting Professors from prestigious foreign universities, generally for periods of three months to one year. Two current visitors are presented below: Barbara Petrongolo: Lecturer in Economics (...)


MicroSimula : First International Conference

MicroSimula, the Microsimulation and Public Policy Analysis Unit of the Paris School of Economics organise his first international conference on 9-10 February 2009 in Paris. Researchers from the Institute for Fiscal Studies of London, the (...)


The Inaugural Lecture of Esther Duflo at the Collège de France

The first holder of the Chair “Savoirs contre Pauvreté” (Knowledge against Poverty) created at the Collège de France jointly with the AFD (the French Development Agency), Esther Duflo, Associate Professor at the Paris School of Economics, gave her (...)


Philippe Jehiel, European Research Council (ERC) Award Winner

Philippe Jehiel, Associate Professor at the Paris School of Economics, is one of 11 European Economists to be awarded a grant by the European Research Council (ERC). This five-year grant was awarded for his project on the link between limited (...)


The Paris School of Economics opens a new master

The Public Policy and Development (PPD) program will prepare students to become expert at analyzing, designing and evaluating economic policies in both developed and developing countries. All students willing to become active participants in (...)

