Economics serving society

Workshop 10th anniversary E&P Master | June 15

The Master in Economics and Psychology has been jointly created in 2012 by the economics department of the university Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the psychology department of Université Paris Cité. Since 2016, research-oriented training in the master is supported by the Paris School of Economics. This workshop aims to celebrate the graduation of the 10th group of laureates (2022 graduates, who will receive their diploma during the graduation ceremony on June 16), and will feature presentations from alumni students currently working in academia or the policy sphere, or preparing a PhD.


1.30pm: A decade of Economics and Psychology training (Louis-Lévy Garboua)

2pm-4pm: Fab Labs: Economics and Psychology Academic Research contributions (Chair: Nicolas Jacquemet)

4pm: Coffee Break

4.30pm: Round table: Behavioral public policies (Chair: Liza Charroin and Cyril Thomas)

Guest speakers: Kristin Limbach (European Institute for Energy Research, Strasbourg), Darren Frey (Ensemble Insight, Paris), Baptiste Talandier (Elycorp. & Iasagora, Paris), Jonathan Colak (Luko, Paris), Juan Pablo Ramirez-Miranda (UNESCO, Paris).

6pm: NextGen: My PhD in 10mn (Chair: Todd Lubart)

Guest speakers: Helen Schiek (University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany), Indigo Jones (Université d’Orléans), Muhammed Bulutay (Berlin School of Economics, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany).

6.45pm: What about the next ten years? (Jean-Olivier Hairault)

7.30pm: Gala dinner

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