Economics serving society

The Paris School of Economics as seen by...

…Jean-Pierre Danthine and Pierre-Yves Geoffard: PSE in 10 years

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It is 2027. A great colloquium has been organised to mark the 20th anniversary of the Paris School of Economics, so you come back to the Boulevard Jourdan, to the campus at whose inauguration in 2017 you celebrated PSE’s 10th birthday. What do you see?... read this text

…our public Founders

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Patrice Bourdelais, Director of the INSHS/CNRS
Armel de la Bourdonnaye, Director of the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur, President of the EHESS
Marc Mézard, Director of the ENS
Philippe Mauguin, Chief Executive Officer of the INRA
Georges Haddad, President of the Unviersity Paris 1
Read these texts

…our Alumni

Former Masters and PhD Students: discover these Testimonials

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