Economics serving society

Society and Environment

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Holders : Lucas Chancel and François Libois.

Presentation : Environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, soil erosion and pollution are systemic risks for our societies, as shown by the numerous international studies on these subjects. Faced with these challenges, social sciences and economics in particular have a major role to play. They allow us to better identify and measure vulnerabilities, but also opportunities, in order to outline responses adapted to situations of multiple constraints (social, political, geographic or financial). Thus, the objective of the Society and Environment project is to build bridges between economics and natural sciences to increase the scientific relevance of the work carried out within PSE with the aim of better responding to the demands of civil society for relevant and multidisciplinary analyses.

The Environment and Society project is closely linked to the PES - Environment Initiative and brings together several PES members interested in engaging in interdisciplinary dialogue.

The topics explored by the project members are numerous and diverse: exposure to climate and weather risks and their socio-economic impacts; pollution, food and their health consequences; distribution of wealth, pollution and environmental accounting; and land use and biodiversity.
