Economics serving society

Three post-doctoral fellows joining PSE Sustainable long-distance mobility Chair

As part of the Sustainable long-distance mobility Chair, the Paris School of Economics will be pleased to welcome Sam Altmann, Ignacio Berasategui and Vincent Thorne at the beginning of the 2023 academic year.

Sam Altmann
Sam Altmann, a PhD candidate in economics at Oxford University, is currently finalising his thesis entitled "Essays in empirical market design".
Sam holds a master of philosophy in economics from the University of Oxford, and a bachelor of philosophy and economics from the London School of Economics.
His research focuses on empirical industrial organisation, in particular the empirical study of market design, dynamic games and auctions.

Ignacio Berasategui
Ignacio Berasategui is a PhD candidate at the Center for Monetary and Financial Studies (CEMFI – Madrid).
Ignacio also holds a master’s degree in economics and finance from CEMFI and a bachelor’s degree in business administration and law from Deusto Business School (Bilbao). His research focuses on industrial organization and applied microeconomics.

Vincent Thorne
Vincent Thorne is a PhD candidate at Trinity College Dublin, and affiliated to the Trinity Impact Evaluation research centre.
Vincent also holds a master’s degree in economics from the University of Barcelona and a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Lausanne.
His research focuses on urban, development and environmental economics.