Economics of Transparency and Accountability
"Knowledge for Development in Transparency"
Master "Gouvernance et lutte contre la corruption"
Le master Gouvernance et lutte contre la corruption a été inauguré le 17 octobre 2017 à Tunis, avec une intervention de Monsieur Khaled Kaddour, ministre de l’Energie, des Mines et des Energies renouvelables.
Ce mastère est une initiative jointe dans le cadre de la convention de coopération entre la faculté de Droit de l’Université de Tunis Carthage et l’Ecole d’économie de Paris visant à développer et réaliser un programme de master pluridisciplinaire sur la thématique de la corruption.
L’objectif de ce programme qui s’adresse à des étudiants en droit, économie, gestion publique, sciences politiques, sociologie et histoire est de donner une formation de grande qualité sur les phénomènes de corruption et la manière de les combattre. Mieux comprendre permet d’oeuvrer au développement économique et politique dans la transparence et la reddition des comptes.
Le programme GLCC s’adresse à des étudiants de langue française de toute l’Afrique francophone, il vise à créer des compétences pratiques mais aussi un corps de chercheurs dédié à l’étude des phénomènes de corruption sous ses multiples facettes.
- Site internet dédié:
Monday, March 7th, Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky, (PSE/ETA) , presented at the “’Ecole préparatoire des sciences économiques, commerciales et de gestion” ( EPSECG) in Annaba ( Algeria), a conference on the theme "The agreement and the corruption in the public markets ".
The anti-corruption master-class
In June 2015, Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky has officially presented in Tunis the anti-corruption master-class, co-funded by the World Bank in collaboration with Carthage University.
During 5 days, between the 9th ad the 13th of November, this programme took place in Tunisia.
- Read the paper about the official launch of the master class (21 May 2015)
- Download the complete programme of the master-class in pdf
- Download the list of the participants.
- ETA serie: "Les mémos ETA".
> N°10 "Accountability in Procurement": download this pdf (2 pages)
> N°9 "Corruption or Incompetence?": download this pdf (3 pages)
> N°8 "Social Accountability to Contain Corruption": download this pdf (2 pages)
> N°7 "Corruption in Procurement: Evidence from Financial Transactions Data": download this pdf (2 pages)
> N°6 "Transparency in organization": download this pdf (2 pages)
> N°5 "Who wants to regulate Lobbying?" : download this pdf (2 pages)
> N°4 "Controlling for Corruption in Public Risk Management" : download this pdf (2 pages)
> N°3 "Defeating Competition together : Cartels and Corrupt officials are allies in Public Market" : download this pdf (2 pages)
> N°2 "Extortion and Political Risk Insurance in Weak Governance Countries" : download this pdf (2 pages)
> N°1 "Committing to Transparency to Resist Corruption" : download this pdf (2 pages)
Understand and Inform, a virtuous circle
The objective of ETA is to deepen understanding and develop teaching programs on a variety of topics related to transparency and accountability
: allocation procedures on public markets, mechanism for committing to transparency on international markets, codes of ethics in private firms and public administration, private supply of public utilities, foreign direct investment in weak states...
Concerning topical international issues, longer term problematics or issues of special interest to our partners, the approach ranges from:
- Theoretical analysis of organizations, institutions and procedures: private-public partnerships, lobbying, transparency...
- Empirical investigations of public policies, organizations and evaluation of pilot projects.
- Experimentation of behavior in different environment characterized by risks/temptation of corruption.
Activities of ETA
> The publication of scientific articles and working papers.
> The organization of public seminars where confirmed French and foreign scholars present their latest research as well as junior academics.
> The collection of data in the frame of empirical projects.
> A 24 hours course on the Economics of Corruption integrated in the 2nd year of PSE master of Public Policy and Development.
> Monitoring and advising master and doctoral thesis.
> The organisation of one international conference every year at PSE.
> The provision of training courses for public officials and private firm managers.
> The invitation of foreign professors to give mini-courses on specialized topics.
"By collecting well-established experts – theorists and empiricists – into a coherent project, we assert our capacity to generate significant advancements in research and accompany public as well as private decision-making in central issues of governance" - A. Lambert-Mogiliansky, director of ETA.
Become partner
The diversity of the activities, the level of scientific ambition of ETA and its international visibility requires the contribution of private sponsors.
The partners contribute to shaping the agenda of activities with their specific experience and their needs. They also have a privileged access to its outputs. To be a partner means asserting one’s engagement for a corporate culture of transparency and accountability that motivates the own personnel and gives a clear signal to potential business partners.
The scientific life of Economics of Transparency and Accountability offers many high times: roundtables and debates where partners’ representatives and ETA or invited researchers meet to discuss, seminars where frontline research is presented, advanced training courses for partners’ personnel.
- To learn more and become a partner of ETA :
A. Lambert-Mogiliansky - 01 80 52 16 03 - a.lambert-mogiliansky at
Internationally established scholars
ETA-Economics of Transparency and Accountability is directed by Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky, a well-known researcher in the field of the Economics of Corruption. She relies on a first class team of colleagues from France and abroad :
- Olivier Compte – PSE, École des Ponts Paris Tech
- Antonio Estache – European Center for Advanced Research in Eco. and Statistics
- Nicolas Jacquemet – PSE, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Frédéric Koessler – PSE, CNRS
- David Martimort – PSE, EHESS
- Thierry Verdier – PSE, École des Ponts Paris Tech
- Liam Wren-Lewis – PSE, INRA
- Ekatarina Zhuravskaja – PSE, EHESS