Elena Stancanelli
PSE Professor
Senior Researcher CNRS
Campus Jourdan – 49 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris
3rd floor, office 09
elena.stancanelli at psemail.eu
- Demography and Household Economics
- Labour Markets
Household time allocation and labour supply papers:
"Couples’ Retirement under Individual Pension Design: a Regression Discontinuity Study for France", Labour Economics, 2017. [doc5243]. Only author.
"Partners’ Leisure Time Truly Together Upon Retirement", with Arthur van Soest, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, June 2016 retirement-leisure-stancanelli-van-soest-mars-14.pdf
"Long Workweeks and Strange Hours”, with Daniel Hamermesh, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Cornell University Press, 2015, Vol. 68, No. 5, 1007-1018. paper.pdf;
"Household Consumption at Retirement: a Regression Discontinuity Study on French Data”, with Nicolas Moreau, Annales d’Economie et Statistique, special issue on the economics of gender, 2015, Vol. 115-117, 253-276.
"Retirement and Home Production: A Regression Discontinuity approach”, with Arthur Van Soest, American Economic Review, May, 2012, Vol 102 (3), pp. 600-605. paper.pdf
"Toyboys or Supergirls ? An analysis of partners' employment outcomes when she outearns him", with Hans Bloemen, Review of the Economics of the Household, 2015, ,13 (3), 501-530. paper.pdf
"Income taxation, labour supply and housework: a discrete choice model for French couples", with Arthur Van Soest and Jan Kabatek, Labour Economics, 2014, Vol. 27, pp. 30-43. paper.pdf
" Maids, Appliances and Couples' Housework: The Demand for Inputs to Domestic Production", with Leslie Stratton, 2014, Economica, Vol.81, pp. 445-467. paper.pdf
"How do parents allocate time: the effects of wages and income" (2013), with Hans Bloemen, Review of the Economics of the Household, 2014, Vol.2 (1), pp 51-81. paper.pdf
“Individual and Household Time Allocation: Market Work, Household Work, and Parental Time”, with Olivier Donni and Robert A. Pollak, Annales d'Economie et Statistique, January-June, 2012, Vol. 105-106, pp. 5-15.
“Whose time? Who saves? Introduction to a special issue on couples’ savings, time use and children”, with Shoshana Grossbard, Review of the Economics of the Household, volume 8(3), August 2010, pp. 289-296.
“An empirical analysis of the Time Allocation of Italian Couples: are they irresponsive”, Review of the Economics of the Household, with Hans Bloemen and Silvia Pasqua, volume 8 (3), 2010, pp. 345-369.
Other household economics papers:
Women's Employment, Wages and the Household, with Elisabeth Dolan (University of New Hampshire), Journal of Family and Economic Issues, supplement issue "Decade in Review 2010-19", 2021, 42, 101-106.
Older mothers’ employment and marriage stability when the nest is empty, with Hyppolite d'Albis (Paris School of Economics & CNRS) and Karina Doorley (ESRI, Dublin), forthcoming in "Mothers in the Labor Market", Springer, Alberto Molina editor, 2022.
L'effet du passage à la retraite sur l'emploi du temps des retraités. with Nicolas Moreau, Annali, Sapienza Università di Roma, 2022.
La vie des couples apres la retraite temps partages et contraintes economiques, with Nicolas Moreau, Opuscules du Cepremap, Paris 2019. https://www.cepremap.fr/publications/la-vie-des-couples-apres-la-retraite-temps-partages-et-contraintes-economiques/
"How to Reduce the Costs of Institutional Long-Term Care while Monitoring its Quality? Focus on Family and Portable Allowances", IZA World of Labor, 2015, August, 1-10 paper
"Do children of the first marriage deter divorce?", with Héctor Bellido, José Alberto Molina, and Anne Solaz, Economic Modelling, 2016, , 55, pp.15-31.paper
“Evaluating the impact of the French Tax Credit on the employment rate of women”, Journal of Public Economics, October 2008, Vol. 92, No. 10-11,3 pp. 2036-47. paper.pdf Only author.
Economics of Conflict:
"Household Expenditure in the Wake of Terrorism: evidence from high frequency in-home-scanner data", food-responses-bataclan-revised-no-highlights-.pdf
with Thierry Verdier and Daniel Mirza, Economics and Human Biology, 2022, August.
"The Impact of Terrorism on Individual Well-being: Evidence from the Boston Marathon Bombing", with Andrew Clark & Orla Doyle, The Economic Journal, 2020, 130 (631), 2065–2104.boston-marathon_july-13.pdf
Job search papers:
“Commuting, Wages and Bargaining Power”, Annales d'Economie et Statistique, with Peter Rupert and Etienne Wasmer, 2009, no. 95/96, pp. 201-220.
“Individual Wealth, Reservation Wages, and Transitions into Employment", with Hans Bloemen, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 19, No. 2, April 2001, pp. 400-439.paper.pdf
“Financial Wealth, Consumption Smoothing, and Income Shocks due to Job Loss”, with Hans Bloemen, Economica, August 2005, Vol. 72, pp. 431-452.
“Do the Wealthier Stay Unemployed Longer? An Empirical Study for the UK”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 61, No. 3, August 1999, pp. 295-314.
“Unemployment Duration and the Duration of Entitlement to Unemployment Benefits: an Empirical Study for Britain”, Applied Economics, No. 31, 1999, pp.1043-1051.
“Unemployment Compensation Schemes and Unemployment Duration”, Applied Economics Letters, No 7, 1998.
-Salaires, régime d’imposition et répartition des tâches domestiques, La Vie des Idees, mars 2009
-Entretien avec Elena STANCANELLI Chercheur CNRS, Université de Cergy Pontoise, sur la prime pour l’emploi, septembre 2008, le site des sciences economiques et sociales, ENS Lyon, Les Grands Dossiers.
-Japon soleil tournant, Alternatives Economiques, Septembre 2005
PUBLICATIONS IN FRENCH, ITALIAN, DUTCH (revues à comité de lecture)
-“L'impact d'allocation au chomage sur la probabilite de reemploi: de nouveaux resultats pour le Royaume Uni”, Economie et Prévision, 1997-1.
-Een flexibele baan: Opstap naar een vaste baan of eindstation? with Ruud Muffels and Ronald Dekker, Sociale Wetenschappen, 42(2), 43-66, 1999.
-“Fiscale prikkels and onderwijsparticipatie”, with Jan Nelissen, Maandschrift Economie, 61 (3), 1997.
-“La probabilita di reimpiego del disoccupato: modelli di rischio singolo e di rischi competitivi”, Quaderni di Economia del Lavoro, 46, 1993, ed. Franco Angeli, Milano.
-“The aggregate investment function: an empirical estimate for the Italian economy”, Rivista di Economia Internazionale, 2, 1991.
-“Le couples sur le marché de l’emploi, Revue de l’OFCE, 2006-04, No. 99, pp.235-272.
-Japon : Soleil Couchant», Revue de l’OFCE, No. 93, 2005/2, pp. 142-145.
-“Un Bilan des études sur la Prime Pour l’Emploi”, avec Henri Sterdyniak, Revue de l’OFCE, No. 88, janvier 2004, pp. 17-41.
-Japon : la Reprise», Revue de l’OFCE, No. 95, 2005/4, pp. 120-123.
-Japon : la Reprise s’essouffle», Revue de l’OFCE, No. 91, 2004/4, pp. 106-109.
-Japon : la Renaissance», Revue de l’OFCE, No. 89, 2004/2, pp. 102-105.
-Japon : l’économie réelle l’importe sur les prix », Revue de l’OFCE, No. 87, 2003/4, pp. 114-117.
-Japon: une croissance douteuse?, Revue de l’OFCE, No.85, pp. 116-119, 2003/2.
-«L’axe de la croissance : perspectives 2005-06 pour l’économie mondiale », Revue de l’OFCE, No. 93, 2005/2.
-« Temps de trajet au sein des couples », Robert A. Pollak et Elena Stancanelli, published in « Trajets et mobilité des ménages : choix individuels et collectifs », PREDIT, juillet 2012, http://www.predit.prd.fr/predit4/document/43691
-« Pressions dominées : perspectives 2004-05 pour l’économie mondiale », Revue de l’OFCE, No. 91, 2004/4.
-« Un monde presque parfait : perspectives 2004-05 pour l’économie mondiale », Revue de l’OFCE, No. 89, 2004/2.
-« Les infortunes de la vertu : perspectives 2003-04 pour l’économie mondiale », Revue de l’OFCE, No. 87, 2003/4.
-« La traversée du desert : perspectives 2003-04 pour l’économie mondiale » Revue de l’OFCE, No. 85, 2003/2.
-“A longitudinal analysis of part-time work by women and men in the Netherlands”, Chapter 12, in “Gender and the labour Market”, ed. Siv Gustafsson and Daniele Meulders, MacMillan publishers, 2000, co-authored by Ronald Dekker and Ruud Muffels.
-“Transitions between different working-time arrangements: a comparison of Sweden and the Netherlands”, Chapter 4, in “Working-Time Changes”, edited by Jacqueline O Reilly, Immaculada Cebrian and Michel Lallement, Edward Elgar Publishing Inc. Northampton, Massachussets, USA, 2000, co-authored by Dominique Anxo and Donald Storrie.
-“Transitional Labour Markets and the Household: a Policy Note”, in “New Institutional Arrangements in the Labour Market”, EA.UE and WZB, Berlin, March 1998, pp. 54-61.
-“La Dimension Genre dans la libéralisation économique de la Tunisie » Programme des Nations Unis pour le Développement, Tunis, Tunisie, décembre 2003.
-"Temporary Employment: Characteristics, Benefits and Dynamics, Chapter 3, Employment Outlook, June 2002, OECD.
-"Balancing Work and Family Life: Helping Parents into Paid Employment", Chapter 4, Employment Outlook, June 2001, OECD, pp. 129-162.
-"Pushing ahead with the reform in Korea, July 2000, OECD.
-"Training of Adult Workers in OECD Countries: Measurement and Analysis", Chapter 3, Employment Outlook, June 1999, OECD.
-"Making the Most of the Minumum: Statutory Minimum Wages, Employment and Poverty", Chapter 2, Employment Outlook, June 1998, OECD.