INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION - Applied platform economics
June 10 to 14, 2024
This program is sponsored by PSE’s Urban New Deal Chair.
Two-sided markets and networks can be found in many industries, including search engines or communication networks such as the media and the internet. This program will focus on these industries, and propose a discussion on important issues that are currently debated in the economic literature and policy circles: Platforms and Data, Media Platforms and Advertising, Social Media Platforms, and Search and Platform Design.
This program introduces participants to the key concepts at the frontier of applied platform economics. The point of departure is the concept of two-sided markets, where two groups interact through an intermediary, or platform, that captures the value of externalities between the groups. This program will focus on online platform economics with a special focus on social media, advertising, and the design of search engines.
Students are assumed to have good knowledge of Game Theory, Microeconomics and Econometrics (Master level or very good undergraduate level). Each professor has additional pre-requisites in each course description.
Main concepts/theories/softwares… learned during the programme:
Two sided market, platform competition, media and advertising, social media, online search.
Skills acquired thanks to the program:
Theoretical tools and empirical methods (structural and reduced forms) related to online platform economics.
Why this program is interesting for MA and PhD student:
This is a purely academic program which aims at discussing theoretical and empirical tools that can be used by Master students and PhDs to develop their economic models in the course of their future scientific carrier.
Why this program is interesting for professionals:
Practitioners interested in antitrust laws and economics will have the opportunity to discuss competition cases related to exclusionary strategies (abuses of dominant positions in Europe) and collusion. This course will focus on specific issues such as how dominant firms can use exclusivity clauses and market-share discounts in order to deter entry or evict competitors.
Two modes of participation are offered for the 2024 Edition:
- In person, taking into account the highest health measures to protect the participants and professors. On site, our parisian campus offers teaching and logistics space: classrooms, teaching theater, garden, coffee and lunch breaks facilities...
- Online, proposing interactive lectures in real time and, beyond, online office hours with professors to facilitate interactions. PSE offers technologies and process that will ensure high quality communication for online participants, both with professors and with other participants.
- For all the participants, full sets of lecture notes and presentations will be made available, as well as the recordings of the courses.
- This program is equivalent to 3 ECTS credits, which PSE validates.