(21 avril) Virtual Paris FRESH Meeting 2021
PSE - École d’économie de Paris a le plaisir de vous inviter au Virtual Paris FRESH Meeting 2021, le 21 avril, sur le thème "International Political Economy and International Economic Relations".
Virtual Paris FRESH Meeting 2021
Date : Le 21 avril 2021, de 9h30 à 16h30
Inscriptions : L’événement se tiendra en ligne.
Pour obtenir le lien d’accès, veuillez contacter les organisateurs par mail :
- Emilie Bonhoure : emilie.bonhoure chez psemail.eu
- Elisa Grandi : elisa.grandi416 chez gmail.com
Programme :
9h30 : Welcome
9h40 - 10h10 : Ye Ma (Henan University), "The Qing State’s Influence on Early Manufacturing of the 1910s : New Measurements at the Provincial Level"
10h20 - 10h50 : David Le Bris (TBS Business School), "Corporate Governance Lessons from Middle Ages and Renaissance Shareholding Companies’ Statutes" (with Sébastien Pouget)
10h50 - 11h00 : Break
11h00 - 11h30 : Q&A session
11h30 - 12h30 : Break
12h30 - 14h00 : Keynote session (jointly with the Economic History seminar of PSE), Juan Flores Zendejas (University of Geneva) will present from his new edited volume "Sovereign Debt Diplomacies : Rethinking sovereign debt from colonial empires to hegemony" (with Pierre Penet).
14h00 - 14h10 : Break
14h10 - 14h40 : Marianna Astore (Marie Curie Fellow, PSE), "‘We can’t pay’ : how Italy dealt with war debts after World War I"
14h40 - 15h10 : Kevin Van Mencxel (University of Antwerp), "The Dawn of Corporate Credit : Long-Run Evidence on the Rate of Return on Corporate Bonds" (with Jan Annaert and Marc Deloof)
15h10 - 15h40 : Q&A session
15h40 - 16h30 : Informal discussion