Conférence annuelle SIA "Investing in Sustainable Infrastructure to reach Net-Zero Emission" | 21 mars
L’association des étudiants SIA a le plaisir de vous inviter à sa conférence annuelle sur le thème "Investing in Sustainable Infrastructure to reach Net-Zero Emission", le 21 mars, de 17h00 à 19h00.
Infrastructure plays a critical role in the development of low-carbon and climate-resilient economies and societies. Most infrastructures were not originally designed to be climate-proof but they have the potential to be transformed into sustainable infrastructures in order to comply with global warming requirements and contribute to decarbonization. This involves digitalization, technological innovation and the reorientation of finance towards sustainable infrastructure and new business models.
How can we drive infrastructure towards low-emission and climate-resilient pathways ? What are the technologies available to decarbonize the energy and transport sectors, increasing energy efficiency ? Are such investments worth the cost ? The SIA Annual Conference will bring together leading actors in the infrastructure sector to address these exciting and challenging issues.
Cette conférence est également destinée à permettre aux étudiants diplômés de Bachelor ou de Master intéressés de rencontrer les étudiants et le corps enseignant du MSc SIA 2021-2022.
- Yves Barlier, Smart Grid Program Director at ENEDIS
- Christian U. Haas, Chief Executive Officer at PTV Group
- Christophe Hug, Contracting Director Deputy Managing Director at VINCI Autoroutes
- Olivier Micheli, President and CEO at DATA4
Cet événement se tiendra en ligne (Zoom).