Conférence | Kjetil Storesletten : "Serial Entrepreneurship in China" | 21 mars
Paris School of Economics a le plaisir de vous inviter à une conférence de Kjetil Storesletten (University of Minnesota) organisée par la Chaire Macroéconomie internationale.
La conférence se tiendra à Paris School of Economics et sera suivie d’une discussion avec Olivier de Bandt, Directeur de la Recherche à la Banque de France. Elle portera sur le thème :
Serial Entrepreneurship in China
- Date : Le 21 mars 2024, à partir de 16h00
- Lieu : Paris School of Economics
48 bd Jourdan, 75014 Paris, R2-21 (2e étage)
Kjetil Storesletten
Kjetil Storesletten is the Richard and Beverly Fink Professor of Economics at the University of Minnesota and a Fellow of Econometric Society. He has previously held positions at the University of Oslo, the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, and the Institute for International Economic Studies. Kjetil has been the Managing Editor of the Review of Economic Studies (2006-2010) and Chairman of the same journal (2013-2017). He has served as a member of the Executive Monetary Policy Committee of Norway (2014-2019) and as President of the European Economic Association (2019).
Kjetil received his Ph.D. in economics from Carnegie Mellon University in 1995. He is a macroeconomist with a special focus on inequality, taxation, and development economics. His work has appeared in the top journals in economics, including the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Political Economy, American Economic Review, and Econometrica. He has been awarded an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (2012-2018) focusing on the topic of Macroeconomics of Inequality. He has also received the Sun Yefang Award from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Cet événement est organisé par la Chaire Macroéconomie Internationale, fruit d’un partenariat entre la Banque de France et PSE. Partageant la même vision des besoins scientifiques sur les questions internationales, ces deux organismes unissent leurs efforts pour construire une chaire dont l’objectif est de favoriser le développement de la recherche sur le système financier et monétaire international, et en macroéconomie internationale.