Economics serving society

Masters in Economics and Psychology (E&P): applications are now open!

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E&P in a few words

The Economics and Psychology masters program is a joint initiative of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the University of Paris. Research-oriented training in the master is supported by Paris School of Economics.
This program offers a bi-disciplinary research oriented training. Half the students enter after undergraduate studies in psychology (« psychology-track »), the other half after undergraduate studies in economics (« economics-track »).

The M1 year mixes track specific classes aimed at reaching an homogenous background in both fields, and common classes in both economics and psychology at the master level. The M2 year offers research oriented training common to all students, as well as PhD- and professional- track specific classes.

Applications dates according to your major

Detailed information about the application process is available here.


The data from the most recent placement survey, with a list of jobs the E&P alumni currently hold, are available here..

You can also read online interviews of alumni currently holding various positions.

To know everything about this program

Visit the dedicated website.