Colloque scientifique international
#10ansPSE, Colloque scientifique international 15-16 juin 2017
This conference covers a wide range of topics that reflects the Paris School of Economics multiple scientific interests. Top researchers from all fields in economics will present original work during these two days. This conference is also the opportunity to invite former students at PSE who went on to a successful career abroad, and to thank colleagues who followed and have been associated from the beginning to the PSE project. The last session of the conference will be devoted to the launching of the World Inequality Lab at PSE.
There is no registration fee for this conference, but registration is required here.
A l’occasion de ses 10 ans, PSE-Ecole d’économie de Paris fait le point sur ses principales réalisations, donne la parole à ses fondateurs et anciens étudiants, et vous convie aux événements qui célébreront cet anniversaire : accéder au site dédié à cet anniversaire #10ansPSE