Candidats Job Market
Cette page de « placement » donne aux institutions intéressées un aperçu de nos doctorants et postdoctorants en recherche d’emploi.
Les candidats sont soutenus dans le processus de placement par leurs superviseurs principaux de thèse et par le responsable du placement. PSE accompagne les étudiants lors de la préparation et de la distribution des documents relatifs au marché du travail aux employeurs potentiels.
Le responsable actuel du placement est Angelo Secchi (angelo.secchi chez Notre coordinateur de placement est Christelle Gauvrit (christelle.gauvrit chez
Les candidats sont présentés via 2 catégories :
Doctorants et postdoctorants diplômés de PSE
Kentaro Asai
EJME & JOE Network Candidate
- Primary Field: Labor Economics
- Secondary Fields: Applied Econometrics, Economic History
- Supervisor: Thomas Breda, Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann
- References: Thomas Breda, Luc Behaghel, Ryo Kambayashi
- Job Market PAPER: Firm-Level Effects of Reductions in Working Hours
- Curriculum Vitae: English version
- Placement: Assistant Professor, Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria)
- Candidate’s PSE page
Brief Candidate Profile:
Kentaro specializes in Labor Economics, with a particular focus on working hours, skills, and inequality. His research utilizes administrative data in a quasi-experimental setting to investigate the impact of labor market legislation on labor demand and employment dynamics.
Olimpia Cutinelli-Rendina
EJME & JOE Network Candidate
- Primary Field: Political Economy
- Secondary Fields: Applied microeconomics, Environmental Economics
- Supervisor: Philippe Aghion
- References: Philippe Aghion, Matilde Bombardini, Francesco Trebbi, Vincent Pons
- Job Market PAPER: Environmentally-Responsible Demand: Irresponsible Lobbying?
- Curriculum Vitae: English version
- Placement: Maître de conférences, Sciences Po Strasbourg (France)
- Candidate’s PSE page
Brief Candidate Profile:
Olimpia is an empirical political economist interested in questions related to corporate lobbying, competition and the environment. Her research combines quasi-experimental settings with original datasets to understand how firms leverage political influence tools to face changes in market structure, such as increasing sustainable demand or rising foreign competition.
Amory Gethin
EJME & JOE Network Candidate
- Primary Field: Public Economics
- Secondary Fields: Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Political Economy
- Supervisor: Thomas Piketty
- References: Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, Vincent Pons
- Job Market PAPER: Distributional Growth Accounting: Education and the Reduction of Global Poverty, 1980-2022
- Curriculum Vitae: English version
- Placement: Research Economist, World Bank (USA)
- Candidate’s PSE page
Brief Candidate Profile:
Amory is an applied economist working on the interactions between public policies, inequality, and political representation. His research combines large-scale historical datasets with rich microdata to shed light on the long-run drivers of inequality and political change in developed and developing economies.
Mélanie Gittard
EJME & JOE Network Candidate
- Primary Field: Environmental Economics
- Secondary Fields: Development Economics
- Supervisor: Denis Cogneau, Philippe Quirion
- References: Denis Cogneau, Philippe Quirion, Eric Strobl, Liam Wren-Lewis
- Job Market PAPER: MiningLeaks: Water Pollution and Child Mortality in Africa
- Curriculum Vitae: English version
- Placement: Postdoctoral position, Stanford University (USA)
- Candidate’s PSE page
Brief Candidate Profile:
Mélanie is an environmental and development economist studying the impacts of climate change and water pollution in sub-Saharan Africa on migration, agricultural practices, and health, using quasi-experimental designs with exhaustive administrative censuses, household surveys, and satellite images. Her job market builds a new geo-coded dataset on industrial mines across Africa and sheds light on the adverse effects of mining-induced water pollution on child mortality.
Irène Hu
EJME & JOE Network Candidate
- Primary Field: Environmental Economics
- Secondary Fields: Development Economics, Applied Economics, Migration Economics
- Supervisor: Fabrice Etilé, François Libois
- References: Quy-Toan Do, Fabrice Etilé, François Libois
- Job Market PAPER: MiningLeaks: Water Pollution and Child Mortality in Africa
- Curriculum Vitae: English version
- Placement: Environmental economist, OECD (France)
- Candidate’s PSE page
Brief Candidate Profile:
Irène is an applied environmental economist interested in natural resources, migration, health and pollution. Using geocoded and remote sensing data, she studies the determinants and consequences of the industrial exploitation of natural resources in Africa, at the micro and macro level.
Justine Knebelmann
EJME & JOE Network Candidate
- Primary Field: Development economics
- Secondary Fields: Public Economics
- Supervisor: Denis Cogneau, Tavneet Suri
- References: Denis Cogneau, Marc Gurgand, Jonas Hjort, Tavneet Suri
- Job Market PAPER: Discretion versus Algorithms: Bureaucrats and Tax Equity in Senegal
- Curriculum Vitae: English version
- Placement: Assistant Professor, Sciences Po (France)
- Candidate’s PSE page
Brief Candidate Profile:
Justine is an applied microeconomist working at the intersection of development and public economics. She relies on field experiments with governments, administrative data, digitalization interventions, and behavioral insights to investigate how states can grow their capacity to tax and to deliver services in an equitable way.
Claire Lepault
EJME & JOE Network Candidate
- Primary Field: Environmental Economics
- Secondary Fields: Applied Econometrics, Health, Development Economics
- Supervisor: Hélène Ollivier, Philippe Quirion
- References: Hélène Ollivier, Philippe Quirion, Edward Rubin, Liam Wren-Lewis
- Job Market PAPER: Is Urban Wastewater Treatment Effective in India? Evidence from Water Quality and Infant Mortality
- Curriculum Vitae: English version
- Placement: Research fellow, CIRAD (France)
- Candidate’s PSE page
Brief Candidate Profile:
Claire is an applied economist who researches how environmental issues, such as water pollution and climate change, affect human health and how to transition towards sustainable development. As an empiricist, she approaches these challenges with a toolbox that draws from economics, econometrics, statistics and data science.
Juan Camilo Medellin
EJME & JOE Network Candidate
- Primary Field: Macroeconomics
- Secondary Fields: International Finance
- Supervisor: Agnès Bénassy-Quéré
- References: Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas, Francesco Pappadà, Liliana Varela
- Job Market PAPER: Firm size, liquidity and optimal heterogeneous hedging
- Curriculum Vitae: English version
- Placement: Assistant Professor, Universidad del Rosario (Colombia)
- Candidate’s PSE page
Brief Candidate Profile:
Juan Camilo is a macroeconomist that combines theory and microeconometrics to answer macro-financial questions. He is interested in understanding how, subject to regulatory and institutional environments, optimal and heterogenous firm decisions impact macro aggregates. In particular, his research wants to comprehend the unintended consequences of regulation and policy making on the (under)development of emerging markets' financial systems.
Tom Raster
EJME & JOE Network Candidate
- Primary Field: International Economics
- Secondary Fields: Economic History, Labor Economics, Migration
- Supervisor: Thomas Piketty
- References: Thomas Piketty, Edward Glaeser, Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, Sheilagh Ogilvie
- Job Market PAPER: Breaking the ice: The persistent effects of pioneers on trade relationships
- Curriculum Vitae: English version
- Placement: Assistant Professor, London School of Economics (UK)
- Candidate’s PSE page
Brief Candidate Profile:
Tom works at the intersection of trade, labor economics, and economic history. He collects large-scale archival data and uses natural experiments to causally test prominent theories in economics and economic history.
Thiago Scarelli
EJME & JOE Network Candidate
- Primary Field: Labor Economics
- Secondary Fields: Development Economics, Behavioral Economics
- Supervisor: David Margolis
- References: David Margolis, Luc Behaghel, John List
- Job Market PAPER: Workers’ Preferences over Payment Schedules: Evidence from Ridesharing Drivers
- Curriculum Vitae: English version
- Placement: Lecturer, Oxford University (UK)
- Candidate’s PSE page
Brief Candidate Profile:
Thiago is an applied economist working at the intersection of labor and development, with focus on the factors that shape people's occupational choices. His recent research uses microeconometrics and field experiments to study how financial stress can push workers to prioritize labor market choices that pay fast over options that pay more.
Louis Sirugue
EJME & JOE Network Candidate
- Primary Field: Applied Microeconomics
- Secondary Fields: Labor Economics, Economics of Migration
- Supervisor: Thomas Piketty, Patrick Simon
- References: Thomas Piketty, Patrick Simon, Kevin Beaubrun-Diant, Laurent Gobillon
- Job Market PAPER: To become or not to become French: Conscription, naturalization, and labor market integration
- Curriculum Vitae: English version
- Placement: Postdoctoral position, London School of Economics (UK)
- Candidate’s PSE page
Brief Candidate Profile:
Louis' research focuses on intergenerational mobility and on the socio-economic integration of second-generation immigrants. He conducts econometric analyses and public policy evaluations on large administrative datasets to provide insights on the determinants of intergenerational persistence, such as residential segregation or discrimination.
Duncan Webb
EJME & JOE Network Candidate
- Primary Field: Development Economics
- Secondary Fields: Behavioral Economics
- Supervisor: Karen Macours, Suanna Oh
- References: Karen Macours, Suanna Oh, Frank Schilbach, Abhijit Banerjee
- Job Market PAPER: Silence to Solidarity: Using Group Dynamics to Reduce Anti-Transgender Discrimination in India
- Curriculum Vitae: English version
- Placement: Assistant Professor, Nova School of Business and Economics (Portugal) after a postdoctoral position at Princeton University (USA)
- Candidate’s PSE page
Brief Candidate Profile:
Duncan is a development economist who uses tools and ideas from behavioural economics. His current projects focus on discrimination, stigma, and norms, and how these factors can influence important economic choices.
Post-doctorants accueillis par PSE
Francesco Del Prato
EJME & JOE Network Candidate
- Primary Field: Labor Economics
- Secondary Fields: Macro-Labor, Productivity
- Supervisor: Marc Fleurbaey
- References: Marc Fleurbaey, Paolo Zacchia, Mattia Nardotto, Kenan Huremović
- Job Market PAPER: The Importance of Working for Earnest: Climbing the Job Ladder through Firms' Connectivity
- Curriculum Vitae: English version
- Placement: Assistant Professor, Aarhus University (Denmark)
- Candidate’s PSE page
Brief Candidate Profile:
Francesco specializes in labor economics, employing a blend of structural and reduced-form methodologies. Leveraging extensive administrative microdata, his research explores how workers make search and mobility choices, how these decisions interact with employers' behavior in the market, and how labor market institutions influence productivity.