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- Directeur de recherche
- Chercheur associé à la Chaire Politiques éducatives et mobilité sociale.
- Agriculture et développement
- Capital humain et développement
- Economie de l’éducation
- Environnement et ressources naturelles dans les pays en développement
- Evaluation des politiques publiques dans les pays en développement
- Travail et développement
Adresse :48 Boulevard Jourdan,
75014 Paris, France
Research fellow at the French Institute for Research for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE) and Paris School of Economics (PSE)
I am a researcher in Applied Economics. I study the welfare of households in developing countries and its dynamics over the life cycle and generations. I consider different factors of change and policy interventions: technology diffusion, inclusion of smallholders in agricultural value chains, education policies and investments in human capital, climate change and natural disasters. Some of my works involve field work.
Estrada, Ricardo, Jérémie Gignoux and Agustina Hatrick, 2024. “Learning about opportunity: Spillovers of elite school admissions in Peru“, Economic Journal, conditionnally accepted.
2022. “Input Subsidies, Credit Constraints, and Expectations of Future Transfers: Evidence from Haiti”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 1– 27., , , and
- Bobba, Matteo and Jérémie Gignoux, 2019. “Neighborhood Effects in Integrated Social Policies“, World Bank Economic Review, 33(1): 116-139.
- Estrada, Ricardo and Jérémie Gignoux, 2017. “Benefits to elite schools and the expected returns to education: Evidence from Mexico City“, European Economic Review, 95: 168-194.
- Gignoux, Jérémie and Marta Menendez, 2016. “Benefit in the wake of disaster: Long-run effects of earthquakes on welfare in rural Indonesia“, Journal of Development Economics, 118: 26-44.
- Gignoux, Jérémie, Karen Macours, and Liam Wren-Lewis, 2015. “Impact of land administration programs on agricultural productivity and rural development: existing evidence, challenges and new approaches“, Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies, 96 (3) : 467-498. (See also IDB technical note on the evaluation of land administration programs.)
- Ferreira, Francisco H.G. and Jérémie Gignoux, 2013. “The Measurement of Educational Inequality: Achievement and Opportunity,” World Bank Economic Review, 28 (2) : 210-246.
- Ferreira, Francisco H.G. and Jérémie Gignoux, 2011. “The Measurement of Inequality of Opportunity: Theory and an Application to Latin America,” Review of Income and Wealth, 57 (4) : 622-657.
- Ferreira, Francisco H.G., Jérémie Gignoux, and Meltem Aran, 2011. “Measuring inequality of opportunity with imperfect data: the case of Turkey,” Journal of Economic Inequality, vol. 9 (4), pages 651-680.
- Cogneau, Denis and Jérémie Gignoux, 2009. “Earnings Inequality and Educational Mobility in Brazil over two Decades,” in Klasen S. and F. Nowak-Lehmann (eds), Poverty, Inequality and Policy in Latin America, CESifo Seminar Series, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Press : 47-84.
- Gignoux, Jérémie, 2006. “Evaluations Ex-ante et Ex-post d’un Programme d’Allocations Scolaires Conditionnées au Mexique,” Economie et Prévision (in French), 174 (3) : 59-86.
Smallholders in plantation agriculture, social and environmental sustainability
- “Plantation expansion and forests in Indonesia”, with Damien Arvor, Carl Bethuel, Cécile Bessou, Julia Helie, François Libois, Daniela Miteva and Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann
- “Expansion of oil palm plantations, welfare and food security in Indonesia”, with Cécile Bessou, Julia Helie and Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann
“The impact of a forestmoratorium on smallholdersand industrialpalm oil plantations in Indonesia“, with Julia Hélie, Allen Klaiber, François Libois, Daniela Miteva, Subhrendu Pathanayak and Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann (presented at FAERE conference 2024)
- “Access to market and expansion of smallholder plantations in Indonesia“, with Léa Crépin, Julia Helie, François Libois, Daniela Miteva and Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann
Adoption of agricultural technologies
- “Social learning in agriculture: does smallholder heterogeneity impede technology diffusion in Sub-Saharan Africa?“, with Luc Behaghel and Karen Macours
Natural disasters, trade: agregate shocks and welfare of rural households
- “Long-term impacts of earthquakes on human capital and welfare”, with Marta Menendez
- “Effects of natural disasters on local economic inequality”, with Carmen Camacho-Perez and Juliana Pinilhos
- “Trade liberalization in times of rising food prices: Evidence from Indonesia during the 2000s”, with Alix Bonargent, Marta Menendez and Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann
Education policies
- “Learning about opportunity: spillovers of elite school admissions in Peru“, with Ricardo Estrada and Agustina Hatrick, R&R Economic Journal.
Socioeconomic and Environmental Effects of Oil Palm Expansion in Indonesia
with Damien Arvor, Cécile Bessou, Julie Betbeder, Samuel Corgne, Thomas Corpetti, François Libois, Daniela Miteva, Jean Olivier, Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann, Alexis Thoumazeau
Funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR Palmexpand project) for 2021-2024, exploratory grant by Mutalim CNRS-INRAE transdisplinary fund, project coordinator
Impact study of an environmental intensification project in Southern Ethiopia, in collaboration with NGO Inter Aide
with Victor Cordonnier, Kenneth Houngbedji and Liam Wren-Lewis
Exploratory grant from AFD-IRD PAIRE program
Experimental study of development of the market for Nubian Vaults, in collaboration with NGO AVN
with Tanguy Bernard, Delphine Boutin, Omer Combaly, Eugénie Maiga and Quentin Stoeffler
1st year APE Master course, Mathematics and Statistics for Economists
This course provides students with both an understanding and practice of the core techniques of Statistics and Mathematics for economists. The Statistics part covers the properties of random samples (both finite sample and asymptotic), point estimation and hypothesis testing. The Mathematical part covers static (including the resolution of the Lagrange and nonlinear programming problems), differential equations and dynamic optimization methods (control theory and dynamic programming).
Si vous êtes un étudiant de PSE : rendez-vous sur pour accéder aux ressources pédagogiques en ligne.
2nd year APE & PPD Masters, Development Economics research seminar, with Liam Wren-Lewis
Please see the course website for details
This course is for students interested in writing a Masters’ dissertation in development economics. The first session will present the development faculty. The sessions are then devoted to discussions of recent papers on prominent topics and elaboration and discussion of students’ dissertation projects.
I have started documenting the field work I conduct for my research projects with photographs. The images are introduced and can be watched in a PSE Images collection on HAL open archive (link below).
I currently present several series of photographs, shot during field work in Indonesia in November and December 2019, about the destructions and recovery from the 2018 earthquake in Palu city (Central Sulawesi), the oil palm value chain and a CIRAD agronomic training in Jambi province, and rice farmers and a forest observatory station in Sulawesi province.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to learn more.
PSE Images collection
Publications HAL
Forthcoming : Learning About Opportunity: Spillovers of Elite School Admissions in Peru Article dans une revueRevue : The Economic Journal
Sécurité alimentaire et ressources naturelles : stratégies de diversification Chapitre d'ouvrageAuteur : Camille Jahel, Christèle Icard-Vernière, Claire Mouquet Rivier, Eric Olivier Verger, Gabriela Demarchi, Julie Subervie, R. Cardinael, Thibault Catry Éditeur : Ed. Quae
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Learning About Opportunity: Spillovers of Elite School Admissions in Peru Pré-publication, Document de travail
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Input subsidies, credit constraints, and expectations of future transfers: Evidence from Haiti Article dans une revueRevue : American Journal of Agricultural Economics
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Food security and natural resources: diversification strategies Chapitre d'ouvrageAuteur : Christèle Icard-Vernière, Claire Mouquet Rivier, Eric Olivier Verger, Julie Subervie, R. Cardinael, Thibault Catry Éditeur : Ed. Quae
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Agricultural input subsidies, credit constraints and expectations of future transfers: evidence from Haiti Pré-publication, Document de travail
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