Economics serving society

Calls for PhD grants fundings

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Call for applications of the Labor Chair

Thesis scholarships and 4th year thesis funding

The Labour Chair is a research chair hosted at Paris School of Economics, in partnership with the Ministry of Labour through two directorates, the Dares and the DGEFP, Pôle Emploi and la Ville de Paris. The Chair aims to attract the best students and stimulate research, in order to achieve a better understanding of the evolution of work as well as the dynamics of employment, wages and unemployment.

The Labour Chair offers thesis funding over a period of three years for a gross monthly salary of 2,470 euros.

  • For the period 2023-2026, two doctoral contracts are proposed on “labour” themes.
  • Funding of fourth year thesis is proposed for 2023-2024.

Doctoral students recruited under the Chair benefit from a privileged reception (access to data) in the partner institutions of the Chair. They also have the same working environment as the other PhD students in economics at PSE, plus a specific framework within the Labour Chair (seminars, events, etc.).

Thesis funding process starting in September 2023:

The application package includes a PhD student, a thesis supervisor and a thesis topic. It is composed of the applicant’s CV, the L3, M1 and M2 transcript, two pages of research project presentation, a letter from the director and can contain up to two letters of recommendation. Great attention will be paid to the originality and quality of the data that the candidates intend to mobilise during their work.

Procedure for funding a 4th year thesis:

The application package consists of the candidate’s CV, the L3, M1 and M2 transcript, two pages of presentation of the thesis and research project of the year, a letter from the director and may contain up to two letters of recommendation.

Common selection procedure for funding (theses and 4th year):

The application must be sent before May 8, 2023 in electronic format to eric.maurin at and dominique.meurs at mentioning in the header of the email the type of application (thesis or 4th year). The shortlisted candidates will be invited to present their research project at an audition at the end of May at Paris School of Economics. The selection of candidates will then be made by the scientific committee of the Labour Chair.