Hillel Rapoport
Professeur titulaire d'une chaire à PSE et porteur de la Chaire Économie des migrations internationales
Professeur des Universités Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Campus Jourdan – 48 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris
6e étage, bureau 13
Tél. 01 80 52 16 14
- Commerce, migrations et développement
- Démographie et migrations
- Économie politique et institutions
- Repenser l’immigration en France : un point de vue économique, collection « Opuscules du CEPREMAP », Paris: Editions de la rue d’Ulm, 2018.
Edited Books
- Brain drain or brain gain? The international competition to attract high-skill migrants, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012 (with Tito Boeri, Herbert Bruecker and Frederic Docquier)
- The Economics of Immigration and Social Diversity, Research in Labor Economics, Elsevier, Vol. 26, 2006 (with Carmel Chiswick and Sol Polachek).
- Altruisme: Analyses Economiques, Paris: Economica, 1998 (with François-Régis Mahieu).
Handbook Chapters
- “Migration and trade”, in A. Triandafyllidou, ed.: Handbook of Migration and Globalization, Handbook in Globalization Series, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018
- “The economics of migrants’ remittances” (with Frédéric Docquier); in S.-C. KOLM and J. MERCIER YTHIER, eds.: Handbook of the Economics of Giving, Altruism and Reciprocity, North Holland, 2006. Vol. 2, Chapter 17, pp. 1135-98.
Journal articles and book chapters
2021 or forthcoming
- "Migration and knowledge diffusion: the effect of returning refugees on export performance in the former Yugoslavia (with D. Bahar, A. Hauptmann and C. Özguzel), conditionally accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics.
- “Immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe” (with Alberto Alesina and Elie Murard), forthcoming at Journal of Economic Geography.
- “Does birthplace diversity affect economic complexity? Cross-country evidence” (with Dany Bahar and Riccardo Turati), forthcoming at Research Policy.
- "Weather shocks and migration intentions in Western Africa: insights from a multi-level analysis" (with S. Bertoli, F. Docquier and I. Ruyssen), forthhcoming at Journal of Economic Geography.
- “Immigration and the future of the Welfare State in Europe” (with Alberto Alesina and Johann Harnoss), forthcoming at Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.
- “Migrant inventors and the technological advantage of nations (with Dany Bahar and Raj Choudhury), Research Policy, Vol. 49, 9, 2020: November (lead article)
- “An introduction to the economics of immigration in OECD countries” (with Anthony Edo, Lionel Ragot, Sulin Sardoschau, Andreas Steinmayr and Arthur Sweetman), Canadian Journal of Economics, 53(4), 2020: 1365-1403.
- “Migration and inequality in the Western African Economic and Monetary Union” (with Esther Girsberger and Romuald Méango), Journal of Comparative Economics, 48, 2, 2020: 385-404.
- “Minimum wages and the labor market effects of immigration” (with Anthony Edo), Labour Economics, December.
- “Can internal migration foster the convergence in regional fertility rates? Evidence from 19th century France” (with Guillaume Daudin and Raphael Franck), Economic Journal, 129, 620: 1618–1692.
- “The Effect of Language Training on Immigrants’ Integration: Empirical Evidence from France” (with Alexia Lochmann and Biagio Speciale), European Economic Review, 113: 265-96.
- “Integration of Syrian Refugees: Insights from D4R, Media Events and Housing Market Data” (with S. Bertoli, P. Cintia, F. Giannotti, E. Madinier, C. Ozden, M. Packard, D. Pedreschi, A. Sîrbu and B. Speciale); in A. Ali Salah, A. Pentland, B. Lepri and E. Letouzé (eds): Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios, Springer.
- “Diaspora Externalities”, IZA Journal of Development and Migration, 10(2), 2019: 43-55.
- “The changing structure of immigration to the OECD: what welfare effects of member countries?” (with Michal Burzynski and Frederic Docquier), IMF Economic Review, 66, 3, 2018: 564-601.
- “Migration, knowledge diffusion and the comparative advantage of nations” (with Dany Bahar), Economic Journal, 128, 612, 2018: F273-305.
- “Migration and Cross-Border Financial Flows” (with Maurice Kugler and Oren Levintal), World Bank Economic Review, 32, 1, 2018: 148–162
- “Combining Physical and Financial Solidarity in Asylum Policy” (with Jesus Fernandez-Huertas Moraga), Chapter 7 in Susan Pozo, ed.: The Human and Economic Implications of Twenty-First Century Immigration Policy, Kalamazoo, MI: Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.
- “The effect of labor migration on the diffusion of democracy: evidence from a former Soviet Republic” (with T. Barsbai, A. Steinmayr and C. Trebesch), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 9, 3, 2017: 36-69
- “Birthplace diversity and economic prosperity” (with Alberto Alesina and Johann Harnoss), Journal of Economic Growth, 21, 2, 2016: 101-138 (lead article).
- “Emigration and democracy” (with Frédéric Docquier, Elisabetta Lodigiani and Maurice Schiff), Journal of Development Economics. 120, 2016: 209-223.
- “Migration Policy, African Population Growth and Global Inequality” (with Andrew Mountford), World Economy, 39, 4, 2016: 543-556.
- “Comparing Immigration Policies: An Overview from the IMPALA Database” (with M. Beine, B. Burgoon, M. Crock, J. Gest, M. Hiscox, P. McGovern, J. Schaper and E. Thielemann), International Migration Review, 50, 4, 2016: 827-863 (lead article).
- “Migration and globalization: what’s in it for developing countries?”, International Journal of Manpower, 37, 7, 2016: 1209-1226.
- “Heaven’s Swing Door: Endogenous skills, migration networks and the effectiveness of selective immigration policies” (with Simone Bertoli), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 117, 2, 2015: 565-91.
- “Tradable Refugee-Admission Quotas (TRAQs), the Syrian Crisis and the New European Agenda on Migration” (with Jesus Fernandez-Huertas Moraga), IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2015: 4-23.
- “Tradable Refugee-admission Quotas and EU Asylum Policy” (with Jesus Fernandez-Huertas Moraga), CESifo Economic Studies, 61, 3-4, 2015: 638-672.
- “Measuring immigration policies: preliminary evidence from IMPALA” (with M. Beine, B. Burgoon, M. Crock, J. Gest, M. Hiscox, P. McGovern and E. Thielemann), CESifo Economic Studies, 61, 3-4, 2015: 527-559.
- “Tradable immigration quotas” (with Jesus Fernandez-Huertas Moraga), Journal of Public Economics, 115, 2014: 94-108.
- “Migration and Development Research is Moving Far Beyond Remittances” (with Michael Clemens and Caglar Ozden), World Development, 64, 2014: 121-124.
- “Measuring and Comparing Migration, Asylum and Naturalization Policies Globally: Challenges and Solutions” (with M. Beine, A. Boucher, B. Burgoon, M. Crock, J. Gest, M. Hiscox, P. McGovern and E. Thielemann), Global Policy, 5, 3, 2014: 261-74. (lead article)
- “Globalization, brain drain and development” (with Frédéric Docquier), Journal of Economic Literature, 50, 3, 2012: 681-730.
- “Remittances, migrants’ education and immigration policy: theory and evidence from new bilateral data” (with Frederic Docquier and Sara Salomone), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42, 5, 2012: 817-28.
- “Quantifying the impact of highly-skilled emigration on developing countries” (with Frederic Docquier), in T. BOERI, H. BRUECKER, F. DOCQUIER and H. RAPOPORT, eds.: Brain drain or brain gain? The international competition to attract high-skill migrants, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
- “Can migration reduce educational attainments? Evidence from Mexico” (with David McKenzie), Journal of Population Economics, 24, 4, 2011: 1331-58.
- “Brain drain and the world distribution of income” (with Andrew Mountford), Journal of Development Economics, 95, 1, 2011: 4-17. (lead article)
- “Remittances and the brain drain revisited: the microdata show that more educated migrants remit more” (with Albert Bollard, David McKenzie and Melanie Morten), World Bank Economic Review, 25, 1: 132-56, 2011.
- “On the robustness of brain gain estimates” (with Michel Beine and Frédéric Docquier), Annales d’Economie et de Statistique, 97-98, 2010: 143-66.
- “Self-selection patterns in US-Mexico migration: the role of migration networks” (with D. McKenzie), Review of Economics and Statistics, 92, 4, 2010: 811-21.
- “Remittances and inequality: a dynamic migration model” (with Frederic Docquier and I-Ling Shen), Journal of Economic Inequality, 8, 2, 2010: 197-220
- “Skilled migration: the perspective of developing countries” (with Frédéric Docquier), in J. BHAGWATI and G. HANSON, eds.: Skilled immigration today: prospects, problems and policies, Oxford University Press, 2009. Chapter 9.
- “Brain drain and human capital formation in developing countries: winners and losers” (with Michel Beine and Frederic Docquier), Economic Journal, 118, 4, 2008: 631-52
- “Brain Drain” (with Frederic Docquier); in L. BLUME & S. DURLAUF, eds.: The New Palgrave Dictonary of Economics, Oxford and New York: Palgrave and MacMillan, 2nd edition, 2008.
- “Network effects and the dynamics of migration and inequality: theory and evidence from Mexico” (with David McKenzie), Journal of Development Economics, 84, 1, 2007: 1-24. (lead article)
- “Measuring international skilled migration: a new database controlling for age of entry” (with Michel Beine and Frederic Docquier), World Bank Economic Review, 21, 2, 2007: 249-54.
- “International labor and capital flows: complements or substitutes?” (with Maurice Kugler), Economics Letters, 94, 2, 2007: 155-62. (lead article)
- “Economic growth and endogenous intergenerational altruism” (with Jean-Pierre Vidal), Journal of Public Economics, 91, 7-8, 2007: 1231-46. (lead article)
- “In-group cooperation in a hostile environment – An economic perspective on some aspects of Jewish life in (pre-Modern) Diaspora” (with Avi Weiss); in C. CHISWICK, T. LECKER and N. KAHANA, eds.: Jewish Society and Culture: An Economic Perspective, Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2007. Pp. 103-28.
- “Migration selectivity and the evolution of spatial inequality” (with Ravi Kanbur), Journal of Economic Geography, 5, 1, 2005: 43-57.
- “On human capital formation with exit options” (with Eliakim Katz), Journal of Population Economics, 18, 2, 2005: 267-74.
- “Ethnic discrimination and the migration of skilled labor” (with Frédéric Docquier), Journal of Development Economics, 70, 1, 2003: 159-72.
- “The optimal size for a minority” (with Avi Weiss), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 51, 1, 2003: 27-45.
- “Endogenous discrimination, migration prospects and the protection of ethnic minorities” (with Frédéric Docquier), Annales d’Economie et de Statistique, 71-72, 2003: 79-95.
- “Migration, credit constraints and self-employment: A simple model of occupational choice, inequality and growth”, Economics Bulletin, 15, 2002: 1-5.
- “Brain drain and economic growth: theory and evidence” (with Michel Beine and Frédéric Docquier), Journal of Development Economics, 64, 1, 2001: 275-89.
- “Cooperative minorities and intergroup hostility” (with Avi Weiss), Annales d’Economie et de Statistique, 63-64, 2001: 171-82.
- “Strategic and Altruistic Remittances” (with Frédéric Docquier); in L.-A. GERARD-VARET, S.-C. KOLM and J. MERCIER YTHIER, eds.: The Economics of Reciprocity, Giving and Altruism, New York: MacMillan, 2000. Pp. 285-297.