Activités scientifiques
Publications on the conception and development of the D-FIH database
- Lagneau-Ymonet, P./Riva A. (2010) Aux sources de l’histoire boursière : les archives de la compagnie des agents de change. Entreprises et Histoire, 59, 2, 179-182.
- Riva, A. « Aux sources de l’histoire boursière régionale : les archives de la Compagnie des Agents de Change de Lyon », Entreprises et histoire, 2/2012 (n° 67), p. 148-150.
- Lagneau-Ymonet, P., Rezaee, A. and Riva, A. (2014), Aux sources de l’histoire des professions boursières : les archives du personnel de la Compagnie des Agents de Change de Paris. Entreprises et Histoire, 74, 118-122.
- Annaert, I., Buelens, F. and Riva, A. Financial History Databases : Old Data, Old Issues, New Insights, Financial Market History : Reflections on the Past for Investors Today. David Chambers,Elroy Dimson (Eds.), CFA Institute Research Foundation, 2016.
- Ducros, J., Grandi, E., Hautcoeur, P.-C., Hekimian, R., Riva, A. and Ungaro, S. « Données Financières Historiques » : Une base de données en histoire financière”, (forthcoming) in Expérimenter les humanités numériques, F. Clavert et al. (eds.), Presses Universitaires de Montréal, 2017.
- Ducros, J., Grandi, E., Hautcoeur, P.-C., Hekimian, R., Pruneaux, E., Riva, A. and Ungaro, S. Collecting and Storing Historical Financial Data : Dfih Project, in Cathleen M. Stuetzer et al. Computational Social Science in the Age of Big Data, 2018.
Publications based on the exploitation of the D-FIH database
- Hautcoeur, P.-C., A. Riva, and White, E.N. “Floating a ‘lifeboat’ : The Banque de France and the Crisis of 1889”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 2014, 65, July, pp. 120-123.
- Grandi, E., Hekimian, R. and Riva, A. Banks and Networks at the Belle Époque : Performance and Stability, texte présenté à la Journée d’étude « Réseaux et finance dans le long terme » - Toulouse Business School, jeudi 30 juin 2016.
- Hekimian, R. and Le Bris, D., “US Crashes of 2008 and 1929. How did the French market react ? An empirical study”, EconomiX working paper 2016-21.
- Hekimian, R. The French banking sector during the interwar : What lessons can be drawn from the stock market ? EconomiX working paper 2017-3.
- Ungaro, S. « Les jours noirs à la Bourse de Paris » : The Settlement of July 1914 and the intervention of Banque de France”, forthcoming in Les banques centrales dans la Grande Guerre, dir. by M. Margairaz et O. Feiertag, Presses de Sciences Po.
- Lagneau-Ymonet P. / Riva A. (2018), Trading Forward. The Paris Bourse in the nineteenth century. Business History, 60(2), p. 257-280.
- Ducros J., Riva A. (2017). La Bourse de Lyon et les autres. Une première évaluation de la géographie des marchés financiers français au XIXe siècle. Revue d’Economie Industrielle, N° 160, 4ème trimestre 2017, p. 35-71
- Hautcoeur P.-C., Rezaee A., Riva A., Competition among Securities Markets, INCAS Discussion Paper Series 2018, n° 08
- Riva, A. and Lagneau-Ymonet, P. “Trading forward : the Paris Bourse in the nineteenth century”, Business History, (forthcoming).
- Baubeau, P., Monnet, E., Riva, A. & Ungaro, S. Flight-to-safety and the Credit Crunch : A new history of the banking crisis in France during the Great Depression, WP PSE 2018
>>Public presentation of D-FIH database : December 13th, 2018, Paris School of Economics. More information
>>Eurhistock 2018, December 13th, 2018, Paris School of Economics. Yearly conference of the European network on the history of stock exchanges. More information
>> Equipex DFIH, ANR SYSRI-30, Workshop “Building up financial and banking databases”, April 6 and 7, Paris School of Economics
>> Riva, A., “Market data and microstructures over the long-run in the Paris Financial Center : the D-FIH project”, paper presented at the seminar Séminaire Systèmes complexes en sciences sociales, 27th November 2015, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris.
>> Ungaro, S., “Pour une histoire boursière de la Méditerranée de 1796 à 1976 : la base des données DFIH”, paper presented at the workshop “Les nouvelles approches quantitatives en histoire et en sciences sociales”, Ecole Française de Rome, 6-9 October 2015, Rome.
>> Hekimian, R., “Information as public and private good : the Paris Bourse in the XIX century”, paper presented at the EABH archives workshop Inflation, Money, Output. Economic and Financial Data underpinning Analysis and Policy Making, 14th May 2015, Czech National Bank, Prague.
>> Grandi, E., “The D-FIH project : building a comprehensive database on French Stock Exchange markets” paper presented at the So Data conference, 26th March 2015, Institut des Systèmes Complèxes, Paris.
>> Riva, A., “Building up financial databases : the D-FIH project”, paper presented at International Workshop "Reforming Financial and Employment Systems in Japan, East Asia, and Europe : Institutional Change, Corporate Diversity, and Economic Instability”, Vancouver (Canada), University of British Columbia, Institute of Asian Research, October 31st – November 1st, 2014
>> Riva, A., “Equipement d’Excellence Data for Financial History”, Presentation at the PSE Department Day, 3rd October, 2014, Paris School of Economics, Paris
>> Pruneaux, E., “Traitement numérique de sources historiques : D-FIH-une base de données pour chercheurs en sciences sociales”, paper presented at the workshop De la diversité des humanités numériques : une exploration des pratiques, 19th may 2014, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris.
Linked projects
In line with its character of research infrastructure, two research projects linked to the Equipex D-FIH have already been awarded.
ANR Project SYSRI-30 : Systemic Risk in the 1930s
Principal investigator : Angelo Riva ; grant by Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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Project Belle Epoque
Principal investigator : Angelo Riva ; grant by Paris Sciences et Lettres Research University
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Principal investigator : Angelo Riva ; grant by the European Union (H2020)
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HBDEX Project
Principal investigator : Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur ; grant by Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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Governance history Project
Principal investigator : Eric Brousseau, Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur and Angelo Riva ; grant from IRIS Governance (PSL University)
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