Séminaire virtuel en économie du développement
VDEV/CEPR/BREAD Seminars is an online seminar series, featuring invited speakers in the area of Development Economics. It was set up in the spring semester of 2020 as the VDEV seminar and is now organised jointly by the group of researchers below, CEPR and BREAD.
Organisers :
- Martina Björkman Nyqvist (Stockholm School of Economics, Misum, BREAD and CEPR)
- Giacomo De Giorgi (IEE/GSEM, University of Geneva, BREAD and CEPR)
- Garance Genicot (Georgetown University, BREAD, NBER, ThReD and CEPR)
- Eliana La Ferrara (Harvard, BREAD and CEPR)
- Gianmarco León-Ciliotta (U. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona School of Economics (BSE), IPEG, BREAD and CEPR)
- Karen Macours (PSE, INRAE, BREAD and CEPR)
- Anthony Wambugu (University of Nairobi)
Sessions will take place on bi-weekly on Tuesdays and last for 1 hour.
- Dedicated website for the registration : https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_EtJHOurhTKG2pxwKcH9C8g#/registration
- Mardi 8 octobre 2024 16:00-17:00
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- OLIVA Paulina (University of Southern California and BREAD) : *
- Mardi 22 octobre 2024 16:00-17:00
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- ALMÅS Ingvild (Monash University) : *
- Mardi 5 novembre 2024 16:00-17:00
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- ISLAM Asad (Monash University) : *
- Mardi 19 novembre 2024 16:00-17:00
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- KAUR Supreet (UC Berkeley, BREAD and CEPR) : *
- Mardi 3 décembre 2024 16:00-17:00
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- YANG Li (University of Michigan and BREAD) : *
- Mardi 24 septembre 2024 16:00-17:00
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- CASSEN Guilhem (University of Namur) : Political Determinants of the News Market: Novel Data and Quasi-Experimental. Evidence from India
- Julia Cagé (Sciences Po), Francesca Jensenius (University of Oslo)
- RésuméInformation conveyed through news media influences political behavior. But to what extent are media markets themselves shaped by political determinants? We build a novel panel dataset of newspaper markets in India from 2002 to 2017 to measure the impact of changes in apportionment on how news markets develop over time. We exploit the announcement of an exogenous change in the boundaries of electoral constituencies to causally identify the relationship between the (future) apportionment of news markets and the change in the number and circulation of newspapers. Using an event-study, a staggered difference-in-differences approach and placebos, we show that markets that became more electorally important experienced a significant rise in both circulation and the number of titles per capita. We document how effects vary with prior levels of political competition and newspapers’ characteristics, and discuss implications for voting behavior and democratic accountability.
- Mardi 4 juin 2024 17:00-18:00
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- CATTANEO CRISTINA Orazio ((Yale University and CEPR)) : *
- Mardi 21 mai 2024 17:00-18:00
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- CORNO Lucia ((Cattolica University and CEPR)) : *
- Mardi 23 avril 2024 17:00-18:00
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- GENICOT Garance ((Georgetown University and CEPR)) : *
- Mardi 9 avril 2024 17:00-18:00
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- BHALOTRA Sonia ((Warwick University and CEPR)) : *
- Mardi 26 mars 2024 17:00-18:00
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- WAMBUGU NDIRANGU Anthony (University of Nairobi) : *
- Mardi 7 juin 2022 17:00-18:15
- On line
- DELL Melissa (Harvard University & CEPR) : How Deep Learning Can Help Us Understand Economic Development
- Mardi 24 mai 2022 17:00-18:15
- On Line
- LEON-CILIOTA Gianmarco ((U. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona School of Economics (BSE), IPEG, BREAD and CEPR)) : Promotions and Productivity: The Role of Meritocracy and Pay Progression in the Public Sector
- with Erika Deserranno and Philipp Kastrau.
- Mardi 10 mai 2022 17:00-18:15
- On line
- BJÖRKMAN NYQVIST Martina (Stockholm School of Economics & CEPR) : Community Health Provision at Scale: Evidence from a Randomized Trial in Uganda
- with Andrea Guariso, Jakob Svensson, and Phyllis Awor
- Mardi 26 avril 2022 17:00-18:15
- On line
- THOMAS DUNCAN (Duke University & CEPR) : Evolution of Risk Aversion over Five Years after a Major Natural Disaster
- joint with Nicholas Ingwersen and Elizabeth Frankenberg
- Mardi 12 avril 2022 17:00-18:15
- On line
- WANTCHEKON Léonard (Princeton & ASE) : Externalities of Colonial Schools
- Mardi 29 mars 2022 17:00-18:15
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- CASEY Kate (Standford University & CEPR) : Scaling Political Information Campaigns
- Mardi 15 mars 2022 17:00-18:15
- On line
- WOODRUF Chris (University of Oxford, BREAD & CEPR) : Long-run Effects of Cash Grants: The Sri Lanka Microenterprise Project after 10 years
- w. S. De Mel and D. McKenzie
- Mardi 1er mars 2022 17:00-18:15
- On line
- RASUL Imran (UCL, IFS,BREAD & CEPR) : The Search for Good Jobs: Evidence from a Six-year Field Experiment in Uganda
- with O. Bandiera (LSE), V. Bassi (USC), R. Burgess (LSE), M. Sulaiman (BRAC) and A. Vitali (UCL)
- Mardi 14 décembre 2021 17:00-18:15
- On line
- DONALDSON Dave (MIT & CEPR) : Imports, Exports, and Earnings Inequality: Measures of Exposure and Estimates of Incidence
- joint with Rodrigo Adao (Chicago Booth), Paul Carrillo (GWU), Arnaud Costinot (MIT) and Dina Pomeranz (Zurich)
- Mardi 30 novembre 2021 17:00-18:15
- On line
- ALAN SULE (EUI & CEPR) : Improving Workplace Climate in Large Corporations: A Clustered Randomized Intervention
- Mardi 16 novembre 2021 17:00-18:15
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- ROSENZWEIG Mark (Yale University) : Democratization, Development and Elite Capture
- Mardi 2 novembre 2021 17:00-18:15
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- MURALIDHARAN Karthik (UC San Diego & CEPR) : General equilibrium effects of (improving) public employment programs: experimental evidence from India
- Mardi 19 octobre 2021 17:00-18:15
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- GOLDBERG Penny (Yale University) : Trade and Informality in the Presence of Labor Market Frictions and Regulations
- Mardi 5 octobre 2021 17:00-18:15
- On line
- MACOURS Karen (PSE & CEPR) : Education, Income and Mobility: Experimental Impacts of Childhood Exposure to Progresa after 20 Years
- with M. Caridad Araujo
- Mardi 21 septembre 2021 17:00-18:15
- On line
- MOBARAK Musfiq (Yale University) : The Causes and Consequences of Ethnic Violence in Myanmar
- with C. Austin Davis, Paula Lopez- Pena and Jaya Wen
- Mardi 7 septembre 2021 17:00-18:15
- On line
- FIELD Erica (Duke University & CEPR) : A signal to End Child Marriage: Theory and Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh
- with Nina Buchmann, Rachel Glennerster, Shahana Nazneen and Xiao Yu Wang
- Mardi 8 juin 2021 17:00-18:15
- BURGESS Robin (LSE and CEPR) : *
- Mardi 25 mai 2021 17:00-18:15
- YANAGIZAWA-DROTT David (University of Zurich and CEPR) : *
- Mardi 11 mai 2021 17:00-18:15
- ATKIN David (MIT& CPER) : *
- Mardi 27 avril 2021 17:00-18:15
- FERRAZ Claudio (University of British Columbia) : *
- Mardi 13 avril 2021 17:00-18:15
- ASHRAF Nava (LSE and CEPR) : *
- Mardi 30 mars 2021 17:00-18:15
- I KHWAJA Asim (Harvard Kennedy School and CEPR) : *
- Mardi 16 mars 2021 17:00-18:15
- HANNA REMA (Harvard Kennedy School and CEPR) : Food vs. Food Stamps: Evidence from an At-Scale Experiment in Indonesia
- w/ Abhijit Banerjee, Benjamin A. Olken, Elan Satriawan and Sudarno Sumarto
- Mardi 2 mars 2021 17:00-18:15
- QIAN Nancy (Northwestern University) : Aid Crowd-Out: The Effect of NGOs on Government-Provided Services
- w/ Erika Deserranno and Aisha Nansamba
- Mardi 15 décembre 2020 17:00-18:15
- BANDIERA Oriana (LSE) : Why do people stay poor?
- C. Balboni, R. Burgess, M. Ghatak and A. Heil
- Mardi 1er décembre 2020 17:00-18:15
- VOENA Alessandra (Stanford University) : Maternal Mortality Risk and Spousal Differences in Desired Fertility
- N. Ashraf, E. Field et R Zimparo
- Mardi 24 novembre 2020 17:00-18:15
- FOSTER Andrew (Brown University) : Commencez ce que vous avez terminé ! Risque ex ante et investissements scolaires en présence de complémentarités dynamiques
- Esther Gehrke
- Mardi 10 novembre 2020 17:00-18:15
- SVENSSON Jakob (IIES, Stockholm University) : Market Access and Quality Upgrading: Evidence from Randomized Experiments
- Mardi 27 octobre 2020 17:00-18:15
- PANDE Rohini (Yale) : nvesting in the Next Generation: The Long-Run Educational Impacts of a Liquidity Shock
- Mardi 13 octobre 2020 17:00-18:15
- OLKEN Ben (MIT) : Tax Administration vs. Tax Rates: Evidence from Corporate Taxation in Indonesia
- Mardi 29 septembre 2020 17:00-18:15
- MIGUEL Ted (University of California Berkeley) : Vingt ans d'impacts économiques du déparasitage
- Mardi 15 septembre 2020 17:00-18:15
- BANERJEE Abhijit (MIT) : Changes in Social Network Structure in Response to Exposure to Formal Credit Markets
- Mardi 28 juillet 2020 17:00-18:30
- SURI Tavneet (MIT) : TBA
- Mardi 21 juillet 2020
- NO Seminar : NBER SI Development
- Mardi 14 juillet 2020 17:00-18:30
- DUFLO Esther (MIT) : TBA
- Mardi 7 juillet 2020 17:00-18:30
- LA FERRARA Eliana (Bocconi University) : À part mais connecté: tutorat en ligne pour atténuer l'impact de COVID-19 sur les inégalités scolaires.
- Michela Carlana
- Mardi 23 juin 2020 17:00-18:30
- MEGHIR Costas (Yale University) : Migration and Informal Insurance
- A. Mushfiq Mobarak, Corina D. Mommaerts and Melanie Morten
- Mardi 16 juin 2020
- NO Seminar : Barcelona GSE Advances in Micro Development (virtual) Workshop
- Mardi 9 juin 2020 17:00-18:30
- DUPAS Pascaline : Expanding Access to Clean Water for the Rural Poor: Experimental Evidence from Malawi.
- NHLEMA Basimenya, WAGNER Zachary, WOLF Aaron and WROE Emily
- Mardi 2 juin 2020 17:00-18:30
- UDRY Chris (Northwestern University) : Selection into Credit Markets: Evidence from Agriculture in Mali
- Lori Beaman, Dean karlan, and Bram Thuysbaert
- Texte intégral [pdf]
- Mardi 26 mai 2020 17:00-18:30
- KREMER Michael (Harvard University) : Is Development Innovation a Good Investment? Which Innovations Scale? Evidence on social investing from USAID’s Development Innovation Ventures.
- Sasha Gallant, Olga Rostapshova, and Milan Thomas
- Mardi 19 mai 2020 17:00-18:30
- SADOULET Elisabeth (UC Berkeley) : Catching a Wider Net: Sharing Information Beyond Social networks
- Manzoor Dar, Alain de Janvry, Kyle Emerick, and Erin Kelley
- Mardi 12 mai 2020 17:00-18:30
- JAYACHANDRAN Seema (Northwestern University) : Reshaping Adolescents' Gender Attitudes: Evidence from a School-Based Experiment in India
- Vendredi 1er novembre 2019 11:00-12:30
- Virtual Séminaire
- Julian L. Garritzmann (University of Konstanz)