La science économique au service de la société
David Spector

David Spector

Professeur à PSE

Chargé de recherche CNRS

Campus Jourdan – 48 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

6e étage, bureau 51

Tél. 01 80 52 16 41

Groupes de recherche : Théorie économique
  • Droit et économie
  • Comportements individuels
  • Politiques de la concurrence

Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture (parus ou à paraître)

A Paradoxical Convergence: French economists and the policy towards cartels from the 1870s to the eve of the Great Depression", History of Political Economy, vol. 56(2), p. 217-258, 2024 (doi 10.1215/00182702-11055059).

Cheap talk, monitoring and collusionReview of Industrial Organization, vol. 60(2), p. 193-216, 2022 (

Market share transparency, signaling and welfare, Revue d'économie industrielle, vol. 176, p. 129-167, 2021 (4) (

Margin for error semantics and signal perception, Synthese, vol. 190(15), pp 3247-3263, 2013 (

Exclusive contracts and demand foreclosure, Rand Journal of Economics, vol. 42(4), p. 619-638, 2011 (

Competition policy in times of crisis, Concurrences, N° 2-2009.

What can be learnt from econometric studies in cartel cases?, Concurrences, N° 1-2009.

The Antitrust Economics of Bidding Markets : an Introduction, Concurrences, vol. 2-2007.

Bundling, Tying, and Collusion, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2007.

From harm to competitors to harm to competition: one more effort, please!”, European Competition Journal, special issue on Article 82 EC, 2006. 

Competition and the Capital-Labor Conflict, European Economic Review, vol. 48 (1), pp 25-38, 2004.

Horizontal mergers, entry, and efficiency defences, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 21, p. 1591, 2003.

Failure of communication despite close preferences, Economic Letters, vol. 74, 283-289, 2002.

The Noisy Duopolist, Contributions to Economic Theory, vol. 2 (1), Article 4, 2002.

Is it possible to redistribute the gains from trade using income taxation?, Journal of International Economics, vol. 55(2), pp 441-460, 2001.

Fédéralisme et conflit distributif, Annales d’Economie et de Statistique, vol. 61, pp 103-133, 2001.

Emploi : une analyse critique des politiques malthusiennes, Economie et Prévision, vol. 150-151, pp 13-31, 2001. 

Rational Debate and One-Dimensional Conflict, Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 115 (1), pp 181-200, 2000.

Pure Communication between Agents with Close Preferences, Economic Letters, vol. 66, pp 171-178, 2000.