La science économique au service de la société
Thierry Verdier

Thierry Verdier

Professeur titulaire d'une chaire à PSE

Ingénieur général des Ponts, des Eaux et des Forêts Ecole des Ponts - ParisTech

Directeur d'études EHESS

Campus Jourdan – 48 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

6e étage, bureau 49

Tél. 01 80 52 16 37

  • Commerce, migrations et développement
  • Comportements individuels
  • Commerce international et politiques commerciales
  • Économie politique et institutions
  • Économie politique des ONG

Publications in collective books and Policy Reports

  • "Cultural Transmission and Religion" (with A. Bisin and J. P. Carvalho), Handbook of Economics and Religion (ed. R. Sauer), forthcoming. World Scientific. 

  • “Phase Diagrams in Historical Economics: Culture and Institutions”, (with A. Bisin), in The Handbook of Historical Economics, A. Bisin and G. Federico (eds), 491-522, Elsevier, 2021.

  • The Handbook of Economic Development and Institutions, (coedited with J. M. Baland,  F. Bourguignon, and J.P. Platteau),  Princeton University Press 2020.   

  •  "Religious Legitimacy and the Joint Evolution of Culture and Institutions", (with A. Bisin and A. Seror) ,  in Advances in the Economics of Religion,  J.P. Carvalho,  S.  Iyer, and J. Rubin (eds), Palgrave Mc Millan, 2019.

  •   Trade and Cultural Diversity” (with A. Bisin) in the “Handbook of Economics of Art and Culture”, V. Ginsburgh and D. Throsby (eds), North Holland, 2014.

  • “The Simple Analytics of Elite Behaviour under Limited State Capacity” (with F. Bourguignon) in The Role of Elites in Economic Development”, A. Amsden, A. DiCaprio and J. Robinson, Oxford University Press, 2012.

  • “The Economics of Cultural Transmission and Socialization” (with A. Bisin) in the “Handbook of Social Economics”, J. Benhabib, A. Bisin and M. Jackson (eds), North Holland, 2011.
  •  European Report on Development, “Social Protection for Inclusive Development: A New Perspective for EU Cooperation in Africa”. European Commission 2010.
  •  European Report on Development, “Overcoming Fragility in Africa: Forging A New European Approach”. European Commission 2009.
  • La mondialisation immatérielle” (Co-edited with D. Cohen), Rapport du Conseil d’analyse économique, Forthcoming (Presentation to Christine Albanel , French Minister of Culture) 2008.
  • "The Organisation of Firms in a Global Economy: Introduction" (with E. Helpman and D. Marin) in "The Organisation of Firms in a Global Economy", E. Helpman, D. Marin and T. Verdier (eds), Harvard University Press, Cambridge,.2008.
  • "Competing in Organizations: Firm heterogeneity and International Trade" (with D. Marin) in "The Organisation of Firms in a Global Economy", E. Helpman, D. Marin and T. Verdier (eds), Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 2008.
  • "The Impact of Rules of Origin on Strategic Outsourcing: An IO Perspective" (with M.Thoenig) in "The Origin of Goods: Rules if Origin in Regional Trade Agreements", O. Cadot, A. Estevadeodal, A; Suwa-Eisenmann, T. Verdier (eds), Oxford University Press, 2006.
  • "Socially Responsible Trade Integration", in F. Bourguignon, B. Pleskovic and A. Sapir (eds), Proceedings of the Annual Bank Conference in Development Economics, "Are we on Track to Achieve the Millenium Development Goals?", pp. 61-111, The World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2005.
  • Making Sense of Globalization: A Guide to the Economic Issues” (with F. Bourguignon, D. Coyle, R. Fernandez, F. Giavazzi, D. Marin, K. O’Rourke, R. Portes, P. Seabright, A. Venables, L. Winters), CEPR Policy Report for the European Commission Group of Policy Advisors, 2002.
  • "Human Capital, Local Labor Markets, and Regional Integration" (with Laurence Rioux), in Market Imperfections and Macroeconomic Dynamics, eds. J.O. Hairault and H. Kempf, Kluwer Academic Press, 2002.
  • "The Role of the Unions in the Twenty-First Century", Study for the Fondation Rodolfo de Benedetti, eds. T. Boeri, A. Brugiavini and L. Camfors, Oxford University Press, 2001.
  • "L’ouverture financière peut-elle nuire à l’éducation ? Une perspective d’économie politique sur le développement" (with F. Bourguignon), in Ouverture et développement économique, éds. M. Boudhiaf and J.M. Siroen, Economica, 2001.
  • "Environmental Pollution and Endogenous Growth: A Comparison between Emission Taxes and Technological Standards", in Control and Game Theoretic Models of the Environment, eds. Carlo Carraro and Jerzy Filar, Birkhauser, Boston, 1995.