Economics serving society

Ethical principles of partnership with companies

The following general principles apply to future and existing research Chairs. They aim to guarantee the respect of the values mentioned in the PSE Ethical Charter and the total scientific independence of PSE with regard to partners willing to contribute to the development of research on the proposed themes.

Diversification as a guarantee of PSE’s scientific independence

Given its size and the variety of thematic areas covered by its researchers, PSE aims to develop a diversified range of Chairs, taking care to maintain as much as possible a certain balance among them in terms of themes and partners (notably public/private).

At the heart of the Chair, its scientific project, supported by PSE researchers

The primary objective of a Chair is to promote research at the frontiers of knowledge, and the dissemination and sharing of knowledge on a theme defined by PSE researchers.

In contrast to expert appraisal or consultancy missions, which would respond to a request from a partner, the creation of a research Chair is proposed to partners by PSE researchers, who design the scientific project.

All the activities of the Chair are focused on research

The purpose of the Chair is to fund the specific research work and activities defined by its program:

  • Scientific events (research seminars, international conferences, thematic workshops) targeting an academic audience and expert professionals.
  • Events for the general public (conferences, round tables).
  • Invitations of researchers who also contribute to the activities of the Chair (events, teaching).
  • Master’s and doctoral courses taught by the Chair’s affiliated members, as decided by the program directors.
  • Funding of doctoral and post-doctoral fellowships on topics defined by PSE and the Chair’s partners.
  • Executive Education.
  • Publication of policy briefs to enhance the value of research work and make it available to a wide audience of consumers of economic knowledge.
  • Exchanges with partners (working meetings between academic teams and professionals).

Scientific freedom of the Chair’s researchers

PSE researchers who hold or are affiliated with a Chair are completely free to choose their research topics, methodology and scientific collaborations, in accordance with the PSE ethical charter.

Freedom of publication

All the results of the research projects, including the results of any collaboration between researchers and partners of the Chair, are intended to be published in the form of research articles in international academic journals.

Nevertheless, and in circumstances accepted by the Parties, either Party may wish to defer the communication of results for a maximum period of three (3) months from the date of the request by the diligent Party.

Similarly, confidentiality clauses may apply to the publication of certain confidential data of the partners, without prejudice to the publication of the research results.

Publications shall include the following statement regarding their funding:
"This study has been funded by the "XXX" Chair of the Paris School of Economics. Its conclusions and the information it contains are however only binding on the author(s) and not on the Partners of the Chair. "

Consultation of the PSE Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is consulted before a partnership agreement is signed, on the basis of a draft agreement. All partnerships are evaluated in terms of their relevance to the scientific objectives of the Chair, as well as in terms of respect for the ethical values and image of PSE.

These ethical principles of partnership with companies were validated at the CLEOR on April 22, 2021.