Economics serving society

Workshop "Forest and people: from skyview to local dynamics", June 23-28

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The Paris School of Economics is glad to invite you to the "Forest and people: from skyview to local dynamics" workshop organized by the Opening Economics Chair.

  • Dates: From Sunday, June 23 to Thursday, June 28
  • Venue: CAES du CNRS - Centre Paul Langevin
    24 rue du Coin, 73500 Aussois

This interdisciplinary workshop brings together researchers from economics, human geography and remote sensing around a common research object, namely forests around the world with a special focus on developing countries. The workshop combines standard presentations with open slots to foster discussions on the drivers of forest cover change. From the global to the micro scale, the workshop emphasizes the importance of measurement and the complexity of human behaviour in relation to the environment. The workshop will put public policy in the spotlight by, among other things, discussing their effectiveness in reducing forest cover loss, by shedding light on potential spatial or temporal spillovers, or by questioning the appropriate scale and duration of public intervention.


Sunday, June 23rd

16:45 - Departure of bus from Chambery

18:30 - Expected arrival in Aussois

19:00 - Apéro

20:00 - Welcome dinner

Monday, June 24th

08:30-08:40 - Introductory remarks

08:40-10:40 - Chair: François Libois (PSE, INRAE)

Jeff Vincent (Duke University): Impact of BTAP on private tree-growing in Pakistan

Marine Gueben (Université de Namur): Seedlings of democracy? Quantitative approach on community forestry and local politics

Richard Nikiema (CEE-M): From farms to jobs: Promoting conservation through active labour market policies for structural transformation

Sam Staddon (The University of Edinburgh): Communities, Care and Connections: Rooting Resilience in Rural Nepal

10:30-11:00 - Coffee break

11:00-12:30 - Chair: François Libois (PSE, INRAE)

Julia Girard (CEE-M): Locally-managed marine and coastal areas in Madagascar

Erin Sills (NC State University): Keynote lecture: Performance-based finance for global public goods: lessons from REDD+

12:30-14:00 - Lunch

14:00- 16:00 - Chair: Maëlys De la Ruppelle (Cergy Paris Université)

Liam Wren-Lewis (PSE, INRAE): Deforestation and Structural Change in Sub-Saharan Africa

Zhu Kunxin (The Ohio State University): Mangroves Help Reduce the Impact of Climate-induced Cyclones in India

Nurhani Widiastuti (CIRAD): Women’s knowledge and roles in community-based mangrove management in Teluk Wondama, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia

Olivia Aubriot (CESAH-CNRS): Reasons for creating, maintaining, abandoning community forest user groups in Nepal

16:00-16:20 - Coffee break

16:20-18:00 - Chair: Jean-Marie Baland (Université de Namur)

Marie Boltz (Université de Strasbourg): Post-conflict Land Restitution and Deforestation in Colombia

Marcelo Gantier (PSE, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne): Bottom-up Conservation: Sub-national Protected Areas and Local Governance in Bolivia

Damien Arvor (Université Rennes 2, CNRS): Monitoring land use changes with remote sensing in Mato Grosso, Brazil

19:30 - Dinner

Tuesday, June 25th

08:30-10:30 - Chair: Liam Wren-Lewis (PSE, INRAE)

Daniela Miteva (The Ohio State University): The role of property rights and markets in forest conservation in the Tropics

Nolwen Vouiller (EHESS, ULiège): “We can’t even look at the forest anymore”: (dis)appropriation of Bardiya’s forests (south-west Nepal)

Thang Le Quang (Université Paris-Cité) Improving Land Cover Map in Nepal and the Effect of Seasonal Variation on Classification Accuracy

Frederik Noack (The University of British Columbia): The Impact of Multinational Firms on the Environment

10:30-11:00 - Coffee break

11:00-12:30 - Chair: Jeff Vincent (Duke University)

Julia Hélie (PSE, EHESS): A tree for a vote? Reelection Incentives and Deforestation Cycles in Indonesia

Nancy Harris (World Resources Institute): Keynote lecture: A decade of Global Forest Watch: results and way forward

12:30-14:00 - Lunch

14:00-16:00 - Free work & walk session

16:00-16:20 - Coffee break

16:20-18:30 - Chair: Daniel Perron (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Dil Khatri (Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies): Examining socio-ecological transitions and new human-wildlife relations in farming landscapes of the Nepal Himalaya

Maria Cano (PSE, ENS): The paradox of the forest and the logger: A study of the evolution of forests through the pre-industrial economic period in Wallonia and the cadastral organization of the region

Carl Bethuel (Université Rennes 2): Monitoring palm oil expansion in Indonesia

Gunnar Kohlin (EfD, University of Gothenburg): Exploring the Potential and Challenges of Voluntary Carbon Markets in the Global South

19:30 - Gala Dinner

Wednesday, June 26th

08:30-10:30 - Chair: Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann (PSE, INRAE)

Jérémie Gignoux (PSE, INRAE): The impact of a forest moratorium on smallholders and industrial palm oil plantations in Indonesia

Bertrand Ygorra (ISPA, INRAE): Tropical deforestation & road monitoring: a Sentinel-1 application

Jessica Meyer (UPEC) : Forest co-management and poverty environment traps

Antoine Leblois (CEE-M, INRAE): Collaborative management partnerships have made protected areas effective at protecting forests across Sub-Saharan Africa over two decades

10:30-11:00 - Coffee break

11:00-12:30 - Chair: Damien Arvor (Université Rennes 2, CNRS)

Marta Pinzan (PSE): The Impact of Organic Farming on Productivity and Biodiversity: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Marie Weiss (EMMAH, INRAE): Keynote lecture: Deriving vegetation traits from remote sensing products: pre-processing steps, algorithms & validation

12:30-14:00 - Lunch

14:00-18:00 - Free work & walk session

19:30 - Dinner

Thursday, June 27th

08:30-12:30 - Free work or organized walk session in the Vanoise

12:30-14:00 - Lunch

14:00-15:50 - Chair: Olivia Aubriot (CESAH-CNRS)

Cécile Chéron-Bessou (CIRAD): Life cycle assessment: assets and bottlenecks for soil assessment

Joëlle Smadja (CESAH-CNRS): The trip of the tree: the case of Alnus Nepalensis in Nepal

Andrea Nightingale (University of Oslo): Keynote lecture: Forests of Democracy: governing landscapes and a changing polity in Nepal

15:50-16:20 - Coffee break

16:20-18:20 - Chair: Eswaran Somanathan (Indian Statistical Institute)

Sanjay Chaudhary (Kathmandu University), Romain Valadaud (CIRAD): Women in Forest Governance: A Comparative Policy Analysis of Community Forests under the Department of National Park and Division Forest Office of Nepal

Subhrendu Pattanayak (Duke University): Ecotourism & Energy Access: Panel data evidence from the high Himalaya

19:30 - Local dinner: Fondue savoyarde

Friday, June 28th

09:00-10:30 - Conclusion and pathfinding discussion (Chair: François Libois (PSE, INRAE)

11:00 - Departure from Aussois

12:30 - Expected arrival in Chambery

Organizing committee: François Libois (PSE, INRAE), Marta Pinzan (PSE)

Contacts: François Libois (francois.libois at; Marta Pinzan (marta.pinzan at

This event is tied to the Agence Nationale de la Recherche funded projects GOLFOR-DEEPN (ANR-18-CE03-000) and PALMEXPAND (ANR-20-CE03-0004). It has also received support from Ecoles Universitaires de Recherche - Paris Graduate School of Economics, under the French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (reference ANR-17-EURE-00). We thankfully acknowledge support from the EcoSocio department and the CLIMAE Metaprogram at INRAE. The event has also been funded by CNRS, CEPREMAP, GIS Asie and the Opening Economics Chair at the Paris School of Economics.

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The Opening Economics Chair allows economists to respond in creative and effective ways to the major questions of our times, by integrating two observations: that current challenges, complex and multifaceted as they are, demand an approach that transcends disciplinary boundaries, and that economics research must be renewed by advances made in other related disciplines.