Economics serving society

2019 Public Conferences


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December 11, 2019: Thomas Philippon: "The Great Reversal: How America Gave Up on Free Markets"
On December 11 2019, Thomas Philippon (Stern School of Business) held a lecture organized by the Banque de France - PSE Chair dedicated to the presentation and discussion of his new book: "The Great Reversal: How America Gave Up on Free Markets". The conference was introduced by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré (PSE, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) and discussed by David Spector (PSE, CNRS). It took place at the Banque de France.


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December 5, 2019: Nicholas Bloom: "Why do Stock Markets Jump (and Trump’s impact on Markets)?"
On December 5, 2019, Nicholas Bloom (Stanford University) gave a conference organized by the SCOR - PSE Chair entitled “Why do Stock Markets Jump (and Trump’s impact on Markets)?”. The lecture was introduced by Gilles Saint-Paul (PSE, ENS) and took place at PSE-Paris School of Economics.


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October 15, 2019 : Evaluation of the 2020 French Budget Conference
The Institut des politiques publiques (PSE/GENES) and the CEPREMAP organised their annual conference on the Budget, on October 15, at PSE-Paris School of Economics, in the Jourdan campus auditorium. This conference was followed by a round-table chaired by François Lenglet (TF1, LCI, RTL) with the participation of representatives from the main parliamentary groups.


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September 30, 2019: Thomas Piketty: "Capital and ideology"
On September 30 2019, Thomas Piketty (PSE, EHESS) held a conference as part of the Debates on equality. This conference took place at PSE and was dedicated to the presentation of his book “Capital and ideology” published by Éditions du Seuil.


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September 27, 2019: Joseph E. Stiglitz: "Social Determination of Behavior with applications for Development"
On September 27, 2019, Joseph E. Stiglitz (Columbia University) held a lecture organized by PSE entitled “Social Determination of Behavior with applications for Development”. This intervention had been preceded by an introduction by François Bourguignon (PSE) and followed by a discussion led by Thierry Verdier (PSE, Ecole des Ponts).


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May 22, 2019: Adam Tooze conference: "Crashed : How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World "
On May 22nd last Adam Tooze gave a conference at PSE about his book “Crashed : How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World”. This intervention had been followed by a discussion, chaired by Eric Monnet (PSE-Banque de France) with Agnès Bénassy Quéré (PSE-Paris 1) and Thomas Piketty (PSE-EHESS)