Economics serving society

15th december 2009 : Lecture by Emmanuel Saez ’Taxation and Redistributive Politics’

Paris School of Economics is glad to have invited Emmanuel Saez for a lecture on the 15th of December at Jourdan(Download the Presse release). Emmanuel Saez, professor at the University of Berkeley, is the first French economist to be awarded the prestigious John Bates Clark medal, awarded annually by the AEA to the “American economist under the age of forty who is judged to have made the most significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge”.

A former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and at DELTA (one of the research centers which was a precursor of the Paris School of Economics), Emmanuel Saez has, among other projects, worked with Thomas Piketty on long-term tendencies in wealth and income distributions and inequality in the US and other countries.

  • Chat : on the 14th of December at 17h30, Emmanuel Saez has answered questions live - access to this chat.

The 15th December Lecture: videos and slides of the presentation

1st & 2nd parts : welcome adresss by F. Bourguignon and T. Piketty - "Taxation and redistributive policy: from Theory to practice" by E. Saez. Total length : 1 hour