Economics serving society

Conference of Tim Harford, 9 nov. 2016

Please note that the conference will be held in english, at the occasion of the translation of his book Adapt: Why Success Always Starts with Failure.

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PSE is glad to invite you to a lecture given by Tim Harford, senior columnist at the Financial Times and visiting fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford (see his personal webpage)

9 November 2016, 2pm – 3.30pm

At the occasion of the publication of his book at De Boeck Supérieur editions :

« Echouez si vous voulez réussir ! Ceux qui s’adaptent ont toujours raison »

Venue: Maison de la Tunisie, salle principale - 45 A bd Jourdan 75014 Paris

  • Registration compulsory : pauline.lemouellic at

This event is organized in partnership with the Fondation de la Maison de Tunisie - CIUP, and with the support, via the Labex OSE, of an ANR State Research Grant (ANR-10-LABX-93-01)

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The book "Echouez si vous voulez réussir ! Ceux qui s’adaptent ont toujours raison" will be on sale the day of the conference.
With the same author,"La logique cachée de la vie" in the collection Pop Economics published in De Boeck Supérieur. This book will be also on sale the day of the conference.

You are a journalist and you want to meet Tim Harford ?
Please contact :
Géraldine Musnier : 04 78 91 06 08 – 06 72 68 27 21 – geraldine

Mathilde Virat : 04 78 91 06 07 – 06 59 76 82 43 – mathilde