Economics serving society

Editorial | Going beyond GDP: what for and how? | Marc Fleurbaey

What new indicators should be used to measure economic performance and social progress beyond the limits of gross domestic product (GDP)*?
In this editorial, Marc Fleurbaey identifies four issues that could improve this measurement: quality of life, inequality, the environment and the redefinition of the corporate mission.

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* GDP is used to calculate economic growth, i.e. changes in the production of goods and services on the national territory from one year to the next.
Source: Ministère de l’Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique.

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Marc Fleurbaey is professor at the Paris School of Economics and senior researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). He is also co-holder of the Measurement in Economics, Nowcasting – Beyond GDP Chair. His research focuses on welfare economics, social choice theory, well-being, public economics and climate policy.

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