Economics serving society

EUROVOTE+ : Europeans, scientists need your votes!

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To mark the occasion of the May 2014 elections for the European Parliament, an online academic experiment is being launched throughout Europe.
The objectives of the EUROVOTE+ project are threefold:

  • to carry out a scientific study on voting behaviour,
  • to gather opinions about voting procedures in Europe,
  • to provide information to the general public about how the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are elected in the various European countries

A lot of institutions and researchers are involved in this project, for further information please download the dedicated brochure in English.

Taking part in the study is simple: via the website, the public can cast their fictitious vote for the MEPs according to three different techniques currently used in Europe: the closed list system, an open list system, and a "Panachage & Cumulation" system. They can also "vote" via a single pan-European constituency - an electoral system which has been proposed by certain MEPs but remains for the moment only hypothetical.


>>> Taking part in EUROVOTE+ is 100% anonymous and the study is aimed solely at furthering the cause of public scientific research.