Economics serving society

PSE-CEPR Policy Forum | 26-30 June 2023

The Paris School of Economics (PSE) and the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) organize a policy forum devoted to the discussion of emerging issues among leading researchers and policymakers, reaching a large audience that includes government officials and legislators, the media and the universities.

  • Date: From Monday 26 to Friday 30 June 2023
  • Location: Paris School of Economics, 48 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris

The Policy Forum in videos


Monday, June 26 | DEVELOPMENT | Detailed program

Chair: Oliver Vanden Eynde (PSE)

Keynote lecture: "Development in the 21st century", Esther Duflo (MIT, CEPR)

Policy conversation:

Tuesday, June 27 | INEQUALITY | Detailed program

Chair: Marc Fleurbaey (PSE)

Keynote lecture: "Inequality and sustainability: a comparative and historical perspective", Thomas Piketty (PSE, CEPR)

Policy conversation:

Wednesday, June 28 | MACROECONOMICS | Detailed program

Chair: Gilles Saint-Paul (PSE)

Keynote lecture: "The inflation burst. An (anticipatory) autopsy", Olivier Blanchard (PSE, CEPR)

Policy conversation:

Thursday, June 29 | POLITICAL ECONOMY | Detailed program

Chair: Thierry Verdier (PSE)

Keynote lecture: "Nation building: big lessons from successes and failures", Ekaterina Zhuravskaya (PSE, CEPR)

Policy conversation:

Friday, June 30 | ENVIRONMENT | Detailed program

Chair: Katheline Schubert (PSE)

Keynote lecture: "Is green growth possible?", Philippe Aghion (PSE, CEPR)

Policy conversation: