Economics serving society

PSE Associations

SYNAPSE, the PSE Students association

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Members of the Bureau :
President: Mélitine Malézieux
Treasurer: Julie Célérier
Secretary: Agathe Eupherte
Other members: Bhavya Agarwal, Olympia Arango, Julien Bargeton, Corin Blanc, Hugo Schianchi, Michael Sixdenier.

Contact : synapse at

The Synapse Association has two main goals. One the one hand, its objective is to organize parties and cultural events in and outside PSE to promote a "school spirit" and increase students’ occasions to meet and share good times together. On the other hand, it has the ambition to be a complement to the formations provided at PSE. The goal is to strengthen the relations with the Alumni, and to build great opportunities (internships, round tables...) for the students at PSE and their future professional paths. Come and meet us in Room 1-01!

PSE ALUMNI, the PSE Alumni association

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Members of the Bureau :
President: Floriane Jouy-Gelin
Vice President: Clément Gras
Treasurer: Xavier Koch
Secretary: Laura Ahlborn
Chief of communications: Ilaria Dal Barco
Chief of international relations: Youssef El Jai
Chief of events: Rafael Schütz

Contact : alumni at

PSE Alumni was created in the end of 2010. This association aims to create a professional network between Paris School of Economics’ former master and PhD students. The main goals are the continuous effort to get back in touch with older generations, the production of the Alumni directory, the centralization of jobs offers to spread within the network.