Economics serving society

"Économie de la santé et des systèmes de santé" | Carine Milcent

In her latest book, Carine Milcent offers an analysis of the economics of health and health systems, accompanied by corrected exercises.

Économie de la santé et des systèmes de santé

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This book on the economics of health and health systems covers the key concepts of economics and their application to the field of health economics. The economic concepts are explained and documented with the help of numerous examples and corrected exercises in health economics. The aim is to understand public health policy.

The textbook examines: the principles of state intervention (health demand and needs, etc.); the concept of goods and their public and private nature (the specific characteristics of goods in economics, the concept of private and public goods, etc.); the construction of the health system, its objectives, and its future development in the light of new technologies (understanding supply constraints, tensions, the supply of goods on the market, production choices for health products, data processing, etc.); the different methods of pricing health care services, and their impact on the health system. ); the different pricing methods and the role of competition; the concept of quality (quality of care, etc.); an analysis of other healthcare systems (China, United States, etc.).

The author

Carine Milcent is a professor at the Paris School of Economics and a senior researcher at the CNRS.

She is also vice-president of the scientific council of the Agence Technique de l’Information Hospitalière, an appointed member of the comité du secret INSEE, the president of the Institut d’Analyse des Systèmes de Santé, a member of the Observatoire national de la myopie, treasurer of the fédération ALTER "lien trauma résilience", and a member of the Programme Fulbright selection committee (Franco-American commission).

Her research focuses on the economic evaluation of healthcare systems in France and worldwide, inequalities and access to care, and the regulation and financing of healthcare systems.