Economics serving society
Jean-Pierre Danthine

Jean-Pierre Danthine

Associate PSE Professor

Professor and Co-Director Collège du Management de l'EPFL

Lecturer Paris School of Economics

Campus Jourdan – 48 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

5th floor, office 56

Phone +33(0)1 80 52 17 05

Research groups: Macroeconomics
  • Risk
  • Political Economy and Institutions
  • Financial Economics

Articles in books

  • Danthine, J.-P., and M. Peytrignet, „Intégration de l'analyse graphique IS-LM with la théorie des équilibres à prix fixes: une note pédagogique”, in G. Bramoullé and J.P. Giran, ed., Analyse du déséquilibre, Economica, Paris, 1981.
  • Danthine, J.-P., and J.C. Lambelet, „La Macroéconomie Européenne s'applique-t-elle à la Suisse?”, in O. de la Grandville edit., Relations internationales, politique économique et méthodologie, Georg publisher, Geneva, 1987.
  • Danthine, J.-P., and M. Girardin, „Théorie des cycles conjoncturels: un intérêt ... cyclique”, in O. Blanc ed., Questions économiques de notre temps, Presses Polytechniques Romandes, Septembre 1987.
  • Danthine, J.-P., D. Begg, F. Giavazzi and C. Wyplosz,„Kelet-Europa, a német marka és az Europai Pénzügyi Unio“ in Közgazdasagi Szemle, vol. 38, pp. 345-82, 1991.
  • Danthine, J.-P., and R. Balletto, „Le coût de la consommation des drogues illégales”, in Le problème de la drogue – en particulier en Suisse – considéré sous son aspect social et préventif, rapport établi à la demande de l'Office fédéral de la santé publique, pp. 100-33, 1990. Réimpression 1992. Also in German as Oekonomische Kosten des Konsums illegaler Drogen, in Soziale und präventive Aspekte des Drogenproblems unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schweiz, Bundesamt für Gesundheitswesen, pp. 98-131, 1990.
  • Danthine, J.-P., and J.B. Donaldson, „Risk Sharing, the Minimum Wage and the Business Cycle”, Equilibrium Theory and Applications: Proceedings of the sixth international symposium in economic theory and econometrics, edited by W. Barnett, B. Cornet, C. d'Aspremont, J.J. Gabszewicz and A. Mas-Colell, Cambridge University Press 1991 - to be reprinted in Imperfect Competition, Nonclearing Markets and Business Cycles, J.P. Bénassy ed., Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2005.
  • Danthine, J.-P., and M. Surchat, „Conséquences économiques du vieillissement démographique”, in Suisse 2000- Enjeux démographiques, O. Blanc and P. Gilliand ed., Réalités Sociales, pp. 235-47, Lausanne, 1991.
  • Danthine, J.-P., „Co-movements”, New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance, vol. 1, pp. 409-10, Mc-Millan, 1992.
  • Danthine, J.-P., „Superneutrality”, New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance, vol. 3, pp. 608-609, Mc-Millan, 1992.
  • Danthine, J.-P., and J.B. Donaldson, „Asset pricing implications of real market frictions”, in International Stock Returns and Business Cycles, pp. 51-56, CEPR Conference Report no. 5, August 1994.
  • Danthine, J.-P., and J.B. Donaldson, „Non-Walrasian Economies”, chapter 8, in Frontiers of Business Cycle Research, T. Cooley ed., Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Danthine, J.-P., and J.B. Donaldson, „Computing Equilibria of Non-optimal Economies”, chapter 3 in Frontiers of Business Cycle Research, T. Cooley ed., Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Danthine, J.-P., „Ethical behaviour in banking: a general equilibrium view”, chapter 12 in Argandona ed., The Ethical Dimension of Financial Institutions and Markets, Springer-Verlag,  Berlin-Heidelberg,  1995.
  • Danthine, J.-P., and Nils S. Tuchschmid, „Couverture optimale et équilibre sur les marchés à terme”, Encyclopédie des marchés financiers, vol. 1, pp. 261-78, Economica, Paris, 1997.
  • Danthine, J.-P., and J.B. Donaldson, „Macroeconomic Frictions : What have we learned from the Real Business Cycle research programme ?”, in J. Drèze, ed. „Advances in Macroeconomic Theory”, chapt. 4, pp. 56-75, Palgrave, 2001.
  • Danthine, J.-P., „Banking : Is Bigger Really Better”, in Z. Mikdashi ed., Financial Intermediation in the 21st Century, chapt. 22, pp. 209-219, Palgrave, 2001.
  • Danthine, J.-P., F. Giavazzi and E.-L. von Thadden, „The Effect of EMU on Financial Markets : A First Assessment”, in C. Wyplosz, ed., The Impact of EMU on Europe and the Developing Countries, Oxford University Press, pp. 225-268, 2001.
  • Adjaouté, K., J.P. Danthine, „European Financial Integration and Equity Returns: A Theory-Based Assessment“, Chapter 5 in The Transformation of The European Financial System,V. Gaspar, Ph. Hartmann and O. Sleijpen, eds., European Central Bank, 2003.
  • Adjaouté, K., J.P. Danthine, and D. Isakov, „Portfolio Diversification in Europe”, chapter 5 in The Internationalisation of Asset Ownership in Europe, H. Huizinga and L. Jonung, eds, Cambridge U. Press, pp. 140-172, 2005.
  • Danthine J.P., „Superneutrality“, in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd ed., S. Durlauf and L. Blume eds., Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2007.
  • Danthine, J.P., J.B. Donaldson and P. Siconolfi, „Distribution Risk and Equity Returns,“ in The Handbook of the Equity Risk Premium, R. Mehra, ed., North Holland Handbooks of Finance Series, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2008.
  • Danthine, J.-P., Financial Stability: The Role of Central Banks. In: François Allisson and Roberto Baranzini (eds.)  Economics and other branches – in the shade of the oak tree: essays in honour of Pascal Bridel. London: Pickering &  Chatto, pp. 179-189, 2014.