Gabrielle Demange
PSE Emeritus Professor
Emeritus Professor EHESS
Campus Jourdan – 48 boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris
6th floor, office 04
Phone +33(0)1 80 52 16 04
- Game Theory
- Social and Economic Networks
- Social Choice Theory
- Risk
- President of the Game Theory Society 2024-2026
Executive Vice President of the Game Theory Society 2022-2024
- Elected at the Council of the Econometric Society 2020-2023
- Elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Science
- ANR: Recipient of the Grant FIRR "Financial Infrastructure: Risks and Regulation" 2019-2023. Final workshop - 5-6 June 2023, Workshop
- First workshop Workshop22May2919
Recent works
- Dual communication in a social network: Contributing and dedicating attention (March 13, 2024). Available at SSRN.
- Stable outcomes in simple cooperative games, Journal of mathematical economics Volume 111, April 2024, ⟨halshs-04335830⟩
On the resolution of cross-liabilities, Mathematical Programming, 203, 827–856 (2024).
Régulation des marchés de produits dérivés : Bilan et perspectives, Opinions et débats, ILB, avec Thibaut Piquard et Guillaume Vuillemey, Janvier 2023. French and english versions.
- Simple visibility design in network games, forthcoming in the volume "David Gale, Mathematical Economist: Essays in Appreciation on his 100th Birthday” edited by Ali Khan, Nobusumi Sagara and Alexander Zaslavski. hal-03925344
- On the choice of central counterparties in the EU, with Piquard, T. (2023) Journal of financial markets. Downlable until 25 April at
c/1giGW4xF2Vkqbk Available at SSRN 3875468. Orderly resolutions in a system of financially linked firms July 2022, SSRN 4147821
G20 : « L’accord de Venise sur la taxation des multinationales reste à négocier » Tribune du Monde, 27 Juillet 2021, avec F. Bloch
Asset Dissemination through Dealer Markets with Jean-Edouard Colliard, Management Science 2021 67(10), 6211-6234.
Profit-splitting rules and the taxation of multinational Internet platforms with Francis Bloch 2021, International Tax and Public Finance 28(4), 855-889, DOI
10.1007/s10797-020-09643-0, Vox column.Communicating on electoral platforms, with Karine Van der Straeten,
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization online 2017, Vol 174, June 2020, 402-419Resolution rules in a system of financially linked firms 2020
Competition in the quality of higher education: The impact of student mobility, 2020, with Robert Fenge and Silke Uebelmesser, International Tax and Public Finance, 27(5), 1224-1263.
New electoral systems and old referendums 2019, in 'The Future of Economic Design’, edited by J-F Laslier, H. Moulin, R. Sanver, and W. S. Zwicker, Springer, pp. 67-73.
Mechanisms in a digitalized world, 2019 in 'Social Design: Essays in Memory of Leonid Hurwicz' edited by Walter Trockel, Springer, pp 307-322.[doc8669]
Rumors and social networks, with Francis Bloch and Rachel Kranton, International Economic Review Vol. 59, Issue 2 (2018) 421-448.
Contagion in financial networks: a threat index, Management Science, Vol. 64, No. 2, February 2018, pp. 955–970. Permalink:
Taxation and Privacy Protection on Internet Platforms with Francis Bloch, Journal of Public Economic Theory (2018) 20(1), 52-66.
Mutual rankings, Mathematical Social Sciences (2017) 90, 35-42.
Optimal targeting strategies in a network under complementarities Games and Economic Behavior (2017) Volume 105, 84-103, o
The stability of group formation, Revue d’Economie Politique (2017) n° 4/495-516.
Joint Design of Emission Tax and Trading Systems (with Bernard Caillaud) Annals of Economics and Statistics (2017) issue 127, pages 163-201, Vox column.