October 2017
Negative interest rates : made for Switzerland - Jean-Pierre Danthine
The most recent innovation in monetary policy, negative interest rates, has not had a good press. Aside from the feeling of “financial repression” created by negative rates, the question of their efficacity arises, and the answers vary...
- Short link to this synthesis: http://bit.ly/2yXWoFP
A theory of Bayesian groups - Franz Dietrich
It is standard practice in economics and the social sciences more broadly to rank alternatives from a social perspective: to ascribe preferences or betterness judgments to a group or society as a whole. Less common in social science...
- Short link to this synthesis: http://bit.ly/2yYVtoC
Human lifetime entropy in a historical perspective (1750 - 2014) - Patrick Meyer and Grégory Ponthière
Mors certa, hora incerta. As the philosopher Vladimir Jankélévitch stresses in his treatise La Mort (1977), uncertainty about how long we will live is an essential element of the human condition....
- Short link to this synthesis: http://bit.ly/2hn50OM
Globalisation and national trends in nutrition and health: A grouped fixed-effects approach to intercountry heterogeneity - Anne-Célia Disdier, Fabrice Etilé and Lisa Oberlander
The proportion of adults who are overweight or obese continues to grow at the global level. A study conducted in various countries and published in 2014 in The Lancet states that this percentage went from 29 in 1980 to 37 in 2013...
- Short link to this synthesis: http://bit.ly/2yZMPq4
Good decision making in groups: is coordination a problem? - Nobuyuki Hanaki, Nicolas Jacquemet, Stéphane Luchini and Adam Zylbersztejn
The coordination of individual decisions made by people within groups (firms, teams, markets, etc.) is often a key element in success: in many situations, the central question facing organisations is less knowing what solution to adopt...
- Short link to this synthesis: http://bit.ly/2yX6jxZ
See all our previous "5 papers... in 5 minutes!" that have been pusblished since November 2013.