Economics serving society

4 June 2015 : Pierre Moscovici « Dettes souveraines et croissance en Europe »

Paris School of Economics was glad to welcome Pierre Moscovici for a conference entitled "Dettes souveraines et croissance en Europe".
Three researchers of PSE also took part in the talk: Agnès Benassy-Quéré, Daniel Cohen and Xavier Ragot.
This conference was realised in partnership with the Fondation de la Maison de la Tunisie - CIUP, within the framework of the Labex OSE.

This conference is in French.

(1/2) Pierre Moscovici - 04/06/15 : "Dettes souveraines et croissance en Europe" conférence à PSE by Paris School of Economics

(2/2) Pierre Moscovici - 4 juin: "Dettes souveraines et croissance en Europe" conférence à PSE by Paris School of Economics

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