Economics serving society

CEPREMAP - Well-being in France - Report 2020

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In a few words

Since 2016, the CEPREMAP’s Observatory of Well-being has supported research on well-being in France. It brings together researchers working on the measurement of subjective wellness and its determinants, including education, health, social relations, trust and the economic environment. One of its main missions is to develop an understanding of the term well-being, its constant change over time, its relationship with the economy, and the differences between different population groups or regions.

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The report entitled Le Bien-être en France (rapport 2020), published in February 2021, under the direction of Mathieu Perona (CEPREMAP) and Claudia Senik (PSE, Sorbonne University, CEPREMAP) analyzes the evolution of French well-being and the factors that influence it - particularly in their response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This report shows how well-being metrics shed light on the central subjects of public action: training, work, which gives meaning to individual activity not only through economic remuneration but also through the social relations it entails, territories, and the transition to retirement. In terms of relationships, the French have a lack of interpersonal trust (13th out of 28 in the European social survey) as well as a more pronounced pessimism.

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