Economics serving society

Public Conferences (filmed)

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June 5 to 7, 2024 - PSE-CEPR Policy Forum 2024
From June 5 to 7, 2024, the Paris School of Economics (PSE) and the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) organized the second edition of the PSE-CEPR Policy Forum on the theme: "Exploring the Science of the Brazil G20: Building a just world and a sustainable planet".


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November 27, 2023: Budget Conference 2024
The Institut des politiques publiques (PSE/GENES) and the Macroeconomics Observatory of the Centre pour la recherche économique et ses applications (Cepremap) organized the 2024 Budget Conference on November 27, 2023. The conference was followed by a round-table chaired by François Lenglet (RTL, TF1 and LCI) with the participation of parliamentarians members of the Finance Committee.


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June 26 to 30, 2023: PSE-CEPR Policy Forum
From June 26 to 30, 2023, the Paris School of Economics (PSE) and the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) organized a policy forum devoted to the discussion of emerging issues among leading researchers and policymakers, reaching a large audience that included government officials and legislators, the media and the universities.


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May 24, 2023: PSE Annual Conference on Global Issues "Re/De/Globalization": Roundtable
The Paris School of Economics organizes an annual conference on major societal challenges. The aim of the 2023 conference, entitled “Re/De/Globalization”, was to re-examine the globalization of exchanges from the perspectives of technological innovation, ecological transition, fiscal justice, cultural diversity and geopolitics.


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May 30, 2022: Roundtable: Education et petite enfance
On May 30, 2022, a roundtable discussion entitled “Education and early childhood: between universalism and social targeting, how to ensure access to quality education for all children?” was organized as part of the annual conference of the Education Policy and Social Mobility Chair.


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May 12, 2022: Roundtable: Enriching the dialogue between the stakeholders of the environmental transition
On May 12, 2022, Paris School of Economics organized a roundtable entitled "Enriching the dialogue between the stakeholders of the environmental transition" in the framework of the "For a Systemic and Humanist Environmental Transition" conference.


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April 6, 2022: Roundtable : Economic perspectives on the war in Ukraine
Paris School of Economics organized a roundtable on the economic perspectives of the war in Ukraine on April 6, 2022. The roundtable gathered Ukrainian, Russian, French, Italian and German economists who reflected on their recent research to gain insights on the current events.


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World Inequality Conference 2021 - Presentation of the World Inequality Report 2022
On December 7th-8th, 2021, the World Inequality Lab organized a 2-day international conference, with over 115 researchers presenting their research on inequality, covering a wide array of topics such as wealth, the Covid pandemic, climate, tax policy, etc. The conference began with the presentation of the World Inequality Report 2022.


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November 16, 2021: Evaluation of the 2022 French Budget
The Institut des politiques publiques (PSE/GENES) and the CEPREMAP organized on November 16, 2021, their annual conference on the French Budget at PSE and online. This conference was followed by a round-table chaired by François Lenglet (TF1/LCI/RTL) with the participation of parliamentarians members of the Finance Committee.


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October 15, 2021: Climate and Biodiversity: Interdisciplinary Workshop
On October 15, 2021, the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Climate and Biodiversity brought together specialists of climate policy, biodiversity, food and animal welfare from economics, philosophy and environmental sciences, to explore policy issues at the interface of climate change and biodiversity. This event was organized by the "Opening Economics" Chair, Hermès-PSE and ENS-CERES. It was held at PSE - Paris School of Economics.


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November 27, 2020: Workshop: "The French Citizens’ Convention on Climate: A forerunner to future democracy?"
On November 27, 2020, PSE - Paris School of Economics organized an online workshop entitled "The French Citizens’ Convention on Climate: A forerunner to future democracy?" as part of the PSE collaborative project "Economie et Philosophie." This workshop included a panel discussion with specialists of deliberative democracy and political philosophy.


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November 16, 2020: Online conference: "L’impact de la crise et des mesures budgétaires 2020-21"
The Institut des politiques publiques (PSE/GENES) and the CEPREMAP organized on November 16, 2020, their annual conference on the French Budget online. This conference was followed by a round-table chaired by François Lenglet (TF1/LCI/RTL) with the participation of parliamentarians members of the Finance Committee.


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June 16, 2020: Webinar: "COVID-19: What role for nuclear energy in the startup plan?"
On June 16, 2020, PSE - Paris School of Economics and the AEE co-organized a webinar entitled: "COVID-19: What role for nuclear energy in the startup plan?". With Michel Berthélemy, Christophe Bonnery, Mouez Fodha and Fabien Roques.


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May 28, 2020: Webinar: "COVID-19: Thinking ahead: Reconstruction rather than recovery"
On May 28, 2020, PSE - Paris School of Economics and the AEE co-organized a webinar entitled: "COVID-19: Thinking ahead: Reconstruction rather than recovery". With Christophe Bonnery, Morgan Crenes, Patrick Criqui, Carine Staropoli and Xavier Timbeau.


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May 4, 2020: Online roundtable: "Macroeconomic consequences of Coronavirus crisis"
On May 4, 2020, the SCOR-PSE Chair organized an online roundtable: Jesus Fernández-Villaverde (University of Pennsylvania), Benjamin Moll (London School of Economics), Facundo Piguillem (EIEF Rome) and Denis Kessler (SCOR) were invited to discuss about macroeconomic consequences of Coronavirus crisis. The panel was moderated by Gilles Saint-Paul (PSE, ENS).


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December 11, 2019: Thomas Philippon: "The Great Reversal: How America Gave Up on Free Markets"
On December 11 2019, Thomas Philippon (Stern School of Business) held a lecture organized by the Banque de France - PSE Chair dedicated to the presentation and discussion of his new book: "The Great Reversal: How America Gave Up on Free Markets". The conference was introduced by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré (PSE, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) and discussed by David Spector (PSE, CNRS). It took place at the Banque de France.


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December 5, 2019: Nicholas Bloom: "Why do Stock Markets Jump (and Trump’s impact on Markets)?"
On December 5, 2019, Nicholas Bloom (Stanford University) gave a conference organized by the SCOR - PSE Chair entitled “Why do Stock Markets Jump (and Trump’s impact on Markets)?”. The lecture was introduced by Gilles Saint-Paul (PSE, ENS) and took place at PSE-Paris School of Economics.


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October 15, 2019 : Evaluation of the 2020 French Budget Conference
The Institut des politiques publiques (PSE/GENES) and the CEPREMAP organised their annual conference on the Budget, on October 15, at PSE-Paris School of Economics, in the Jourdan campus auditorium. This conference was followed by a round-table chaired by François Lenglet (TF1, LCI, RTL) with the participation of representatives from the main parliamentary groups.


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September 30, 2019: Thomas Piketty: "Capital and ideology"
On September 30 2019, Thomas Piketty (PSE, EHESS) held a conference as part of the Debates on equality. This conference took place at PSE and was dedicated to the presentation of his book “Capital and ideology” published by Éditions du Seuil.


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September 27, 2019: Joseph E. Stiglitz: "Social Determination of Behavior with applications for Development"
On September 27, 2019, Joseph E. Stiglitz (Columbia University) held a lecture organized by PSE entitled “Social Determination of Behavior with applications for Development”. This intervention had been preceded by an introduction by François Bourguignon (PSE) and followed by a discussion led by Thierry Verdier (PSE, Ecole des Ponts).


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May 22, 2019: Adam Tooze conference: "Crashed : How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World "
On May 22nd last Adam Tooze gave a conference at PSE about his book “Crashed : How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World”. This intervention had been followed by a discussion, chaired by Eric Monnet (PSE-Banque de France) with Agnès Bénassy Quéré (PSE-Paris 1) and Thomas Piketty (PSE-EHESS)


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11 octobre 2018 : Conférence sur l’évaluation du budget 2019
Le 11 octobre 2018, le Cepremap et l’IPP (en partenariat avec PSE - Ecole d’Economie de Paris) ont présenté leurs travaux scientifiques permettant d’éclairer le débat démocratique sur l’évaluation du budget 2019, rassemblant l’analyse macroéconomique du budget, l’impact des mesures pour les ménages et celles touchant les entreprises.


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April 5, 2018 : « Women in Economics » conference - This student initiative seeks to start a discussion on the experiences and representation of women in economics and its related fields, covering issues that arise at school and at later stages of the economic profession, both academic and beyond. With Hippolyte d’Albis, Béatrice Boulu-Reshef, Thomas Breda and Hélène Périvier.


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April 5, 2017 : Conference-debate "Peut-on changer l’Europe ?" Around the release of the book Pour un traité de démocratisation de l’Europe (Ed. Du Seuil). With the authors: Stéphanie Hennette, Thomas Piketty, Guillaume Sacristie and Antoine Vauchez. This conference was co-organized by the PSE-School of Economics of Paris, the editions of the Seuil, Alternatives économiques and the OFCE.


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23 février 2017 : inauguration du nouveau campus Jourdan PSE-ENS. The new #campusjourdan ENS-PSE was inaugurated on Thursday, February 23, 2017. Discover the replays of the inaugural speeches and the round table entitled: "La mondialisation, une notion en voie de dépassement ? ", Organized around François Hollande, President of the Republic.


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9 November: Tim Harford « Échouez si vous voulez réussir ! ». At the occasion of the publication of his book at De Boeck Supérieur editions : « Echouez si vous voulez réussir ! Ceux qui s’adaptent ont toujours raison ». This event was organized in partnership with the Fondation de la Maison de Tunisie - CIUP, and with the support, via the Labex OSE, of an ANR State Research Grant.


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9 September: Angus Deaton « Understanding and misunderstanding randomized controlled trials.
Angus Deaton’s lecture, untitled « Understanding and misunderstanding randomized controlled trials ». Co-organized in partnership with the Fondation de la Maison de la Tunisie - CIUP, within the framework of the Labex OSE.


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15 June 2016 : Kaushik Basu « The Social and Behavioral Roots of Development »
Conference with Kaushik Basu, intitled : « The Social and Behavioral Roots of Development »
This conference, organised by François Bourguignon and Hillel Rapoport, took place at PSE within the framework of the G-MonD and benefited from the contribution of Labex OSE (ANR-10-LABX-93-01).


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2 May 2016 : Branko Milanović « Global Inequality : A New Approach For The Age of Globalization »
On May 2nd, Paris School of Economics was glad to organize a conference with Branko Milanović entitled « Global Inequality : A New Approach For The Age of Globalization » with the participation of Thomas Piketty. This conference was realised in partnership with the Fondation de la Maison de la Tunisie - CIUP, within the framework of the Labex OSE.


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24 March 2016 : Martin Ravallion "The Economics of Poverty : History, Measurement and Policy"
On March 24th, 2016, Paris School of Economics was glad to organize a conference with Martin Ravallion which was entitled : “The Economics of Poverty : History, Measurement and Policy”. This conference was realised in partnership with the Fondation de la Maison de la Tunisie - CIUP, within the framework of the Labex OSE.


19 November 2015 : Roger Guesnerie and Thomas Sterner « Savoirs économiques et politiques climatiques »
Paris School of Economics was glad to welcome Roger Guesnerie and Thomas Sterner for a conference entitled “Savoirs économiques et politiques climatiques”.
The debate was moderated by Katrin Millock.This conference was realised in partnership with the Fondation de la Maison de la Tunisie - CIUP, within the framework of the Labex OSE.


4 June 2015 : Pierre Moscovici « Dettes souveraines et croissance en Europe »
Paris School of Economics was glad to welcome Pierre Moscovici for a conference entitled “Dettes souveraines et croissance en Europe”.Three researchers of PSE also took part in the talk: Agnès Benassy-Quéré, Daniel Cohen and Xavier Ragot. This conference was realised in partnership with the Fondation de la Maison de la Tunisie - CIUP, within the framework of the Labex OSE.


10 December 2014 : Emmanuel Saez « Mobilité intergénérationnelle aux États-Unis »
Conference of Emmanuel Saez, Professor at Berkeley University. Invited by PSE-Ecole d’économie de Paris and the labex OSE for a presentation about the theme “Mobilité intergénérationnelle aux Etats-Unis”


15 October 2014 : Philippe Aghion « Creative Destruction and Subjective Well Being »
PSE-Ecole d’économie de Paris was glad to welcome Philippe Aghion, Professor at Harvard University and PSE.


10 April 2013 : Raghuram Rajan « Crise : au-delà de l’économie »
The publisher Le Pommier and PSE-Ecole d’économie de Paris are glad to welcome Professor Raghuram Rajan (Chicago Booth School of Business) to mark the publication in France of his book "Crise : au-delà de l’économie".


26 October 2012 : Daniel Kahneman « Thinking fast and slow »
Conference of Professor Daniel Kahneman (Princeton University). Invited at the Paris School of Economics to mark the publication in France of his book "Système 1, Système 2 : les deux vitesses de la pensée" (Flammarion, sept 2012).


17 February 2012 : 5 years for PSE - introduction by Roger Guesnerie, Daniel Cohen and François Bourguignon, presentation of Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz
For its fifth birthday, PSE was glad to welcome Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz.