Economics serving society

15 June : Kaushik Basu « The Social and Behavioral Roots of Development »

On June 15, 2016, the Paris School of Economics welcomed Kaushik Basu, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist World Bank, for a lecture on "The Social and Behavioral Roots of Development". This conference, organised by François Bourguignon and Hillel Rapoport, took place at PSE within the framework of the G-MonD and benefited from the contribution of Labex OSE (ANR-10-LABX-93-01).

(1/2) Kaushik Basu - 15/06/2016 "The Social and Behavioral Roots of Development"

(2/2) Kaushik Basu - 15/06/2016 "The Social and Behavioral Roots of Development"


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