2017 Public Conferences
April 5, 2017 : Conference-debate "Peut-on changer l’Europe ?" Around the release of the book Pour un traité de démocratisation de l’Europe (Ed. Du Seuil). With the authors: Stéphanie Hennette, Thomas Piketty, Guillaume Sacristie and Antoine Vauchez. This conference was co-organized by the PSE-School of Economics of Paris, the editions of the Seuil, Alternatives économiques and the OFCE.
23 février 2017 : inauguration du nouveau campus Jourdan PSE-ENS. The new #campusjourdan ENS-PSE was inaugurated on Thursday, February 23, 2017. Discover the replays of the inaugural speeches and the round table entitled: "La mondialisation, une notion en voie de dépassement ? ", Organized around François Hollande, President of the Republic.