Economics serving society

2022 Public Conferences

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May 30, 2022: Roundtable: Education et petite enfance
On May 30, 2022, a roundtable discussion entitled “Education and early childhood: between universalism and social targeting, how to ensure access to quality education for all children?” was organized as part of the annual conference of the Education Policy and Social Mobility Chair.


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May 12, 2022: Roundtable: Enriching the dialogue between the stakeholders of the environmental transition
On May 12, 2022, Paris School of Economics organized a roundtable entitled "Enriching the dialogue between the stakeholders of the environmental transition" in the framework of the "For a Systemic and Humanist Environmental Transition" conference.


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April 6, 2022: Roundtable : Economic perspectives on the war in Ukraine
Paris School of Economics organized a roundtable on the economic perspectives of the war in Ukraine on April 6, 2022. The roundtable gathered Ukrainian, Russian, French, Italian and German economists who reflected on their recent research to gain insights on the current events.