Economics serving society


2016 PSE Summer School: applications are open!

This article is about the 2016 Summer School, therefore all the information are out of date. If you are interested in the 2017 Summer School offered by the PSE, that is 10 programmes during 3 weeks, please follow this link. The PSE Summer (...)


Blablabanque. Le discours de l’inaction, Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran, September 2015

Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran est maître de conférences à l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne et membre associé à PSE ; elle est également responsable du programme de formation ProF-En-EcoS (Labex OSE) et conseillère éditoriale CEPII après avoir aussi été (...)


(masters) APE and PPD applications are now open

APE - Analysis and Policy in Economics The APE Programme offers high-level, research oriented courses in theoretical and applied economics. It is well-established as one of the leading graduate programmes in Economics in Europe, and many of (...)


Tous rentiers ! Pour une autre répartition des richesses, Philippe Askenazy - February 2016

Philippe Askenazy est directeur de recherche au CNRS et membre associé à PSE-École d’économie de Paris ; il est également professeur à l’École normale supérieure. Auteur de nombreux ouvrages sur l’économie et le travail, il est l’un des initiateurs des (...)


Academic articles published by PSE members (last 2015 quarter)

The following articles have been published in peer-reviewed journals (more) Visit “Archive Ouverte HAL” of the PSE-Paris School of Economics: ................. Is Work Bad for Health? The Role of Constraint (...)


PSE annual report 2014-2015

PSE-Ecole d’économie de Paris publie son Rapport d’activité annuel 2014-2015 (pdf 12 Mo). Le sommaire est le suivant: Chp1 - Enseignants-chercheurs Chp 2 - Recherche académique Chp 3 - Formation initiale Chp 4 - L’Economie pour tous Chp 5 (...)


H. Rapoport “A fair and efficient European response to the refugee crisis”

What to do in face of the growing refugee crisis in Europe? According to Hillel Rapoport, “the most recent steps taken by the European Commission go in the right direction” but the measures are too timid to be effective. PSE examines the (...)


(Time-lapse of a part of the construction) Jourdan Campus : 10 months in 1.20 minute

Here is, in fast motion, 10 months of work on the Jourdan campus construction site, for the future PSE-ENS building. This time-lapse goes from February 2015 to October 2015. Man ythanks to the Region Ile-de-France, Dumez IdF and CPEscorp for (...)


(Replay) conference by Roger Guesnerie and Thomas Sterner « Savoirs économiques et politiques climatiques »

On November 19th, 2015, Paris School of Economics was glad to organize a conference with Roger Guesnerie and Thomas Sterner which was entitled “Savoirs économiques et politiques climatiques”. The debate was moderated by Katrin Millock. This (...)