Economics serving society

An evening devoted to Daniel Cohen’s legacy

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The Paris School of Economics and the École normale supérieure - PSL are organizing an event to mark the publication by Albin Michel of Daniel Cohen’s latest book, Une brève histoire de l’économie (February 1, 2024), as well as a collection of tributes to Daniel Cohen: Daniel Cohen, l’économiste qui voulait changer le monde.

It will take place on Monday January 29 at 6:30pm in the Daniel Cohen auditorium.

Esther Duflo, President of PSE, will introduce a round-table discussion with Coralie Chevallier, Director of Research (ENS - PSL), Ishac Diwan, Professor of Economics (ENS - PSL and PSE), Laurence Tubiana, Director of the European Climate Foundation and Alexandre Wickham, Daniel Cohen’s editor at the Éditions Albin Michel.

The round-table will be moderated by Alexandra Bensaïd, journalist at France Inter, and concluded by Michel Cohen.