Economics serving society

Book Launch | Une histoire du conflit politique | September 18

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To mark the publication of Julia Cagé (Sciences Po, CEPR) and Thomas Piketty’s new book (PSE, EHESS, WIL): "Une Histoire du Conflit Politique – Elections et Inégalités Sociales en France (1789-2022)", the World Inequality Lab organize a meeting on Monday, September 18, 2023, at 5pm at the Paris School of Economics (auditorium). The event is organized in partnership with PSE and the éditions du Seuil.

  • Date: Monday, September 18, 2023 ; 5pm-6.30pm (CET)
  • Venue: Paris School of Economics
    48 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris, auditorium



  • 4.30pm: Doors open (for a guaranteed place)
  • 5pm: Presentation of the book and Q&A
  • 6.30pm-7pm: Book signing

Book summary

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Who votes for whom and why? How has the social structure of the electorates of the various political currents in France changed between 1789 and 2022? Based on an unprecedented digitisation of electoral and socio-economic data from France’s 36,000 communes spanning more than two centuries, this book offers a history of voting and inequalities based on the French laboratory.

Julia Cagé is professor at Sciences Po and winner of the Best Young French Economist Award (2023).

Thomas Piketty is professor at the Paris School of Economics, director of studies at the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences - EHESS and co-director of the World Inequality Lab.

Alice Fauvel, World Inquality Lab’s Communications Manager: alice.fauvel at