La science économique au service de la société

(Call for Papers) 7-8 décembre : World Inequality Conference #2

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Le World Inequality Lab organise la deuxième World Inequality Conference (auparavant intitulée Conference), qui se tiendra à PSE - École d’économie de Paris les 7 et 8 décembre 2021.

The conference will be structured along three axes :

  • (i) Presentations of research on all dimensions of socioeconomic inequality, for which the World Inequality Lab is welcoming submissions of completed papers or detailed drafts.
  • (ii) The releasing of the World Inequality Report 2022. The report will provide global estimates of income and wealth inequality drawing on the latest evidence gathered in, and will discuss implications for future research and for the global policy debate on rising inequality.
  • (iii) Presentations on progress made in the DINA-Distributional National Accounts agenda, in the context of the ERC Synergy Project by PSE, Oxford and UC-Berkeley.

Paper submission. Please submit your paper in pdf format to conference chez by September 5th, 2021, indicating whether you will require funding, and whether you are a PhD student. Decisions are expected to be announced by September 20th, 2021.

Financial assistance. Unfortunately, the World Inequality Lab has limited funding, and will make its best to contribute to the travel and lodging expenses (if conditions permit…) for a number of selected papers, in particular for presenting PhD students with no other funding source. The lab will be grateful if you can contribute to the costs of your attendance from a research grant at your disposal.

Requests to attend the conference but not to present a paper. If you wish to attend the conference, but do not plan to present a paper, please send an email to conference chez with your name and affiliation by September 27th, 2021. Depending on the circumstances, it may not be possible to accept all requests.

Organization details : There will be no fees. In case of in-person attendance, participants will be responsible for making their own travel arrangements, with the exception of authors granted financial assistance.