Economics serving society


Junior Research Prize 2023 | February 29

The annual Macroeconomic Risk Chair Junior Research Prize distinguishes outstanding research in the field of macroeconomic risk conducted by junior economists (less than ten years after the Ph.D) via a selection committee headed by Gilles (...)


Printemps de l’économie 2024 | What kind of Europe in a fragmented world? | April 2 to 5

The Paris School of Economics is once again a partner of the Printemps de l’économie whose 2024 edition, entitled "What kind of Europe in a fragmented world?", will take place from April 2 to 5. Many professors from the Paris School of Economics (...)


Workshop | Urban and rural infrastructure in the Global South

The Paris School of Economics is glad to invite you to the "Urban and rural infrastructure in the Global South" workshop organized by the Opening Economics Chair. Date: Friday, April 5, 2024 ; 2:00pm-4:50pm Venue: Paris School of Economics 48 (...)


Call for papers | 1st European Workshop on the Macroeconomic Implications of Migration

The International Migration Economics Chair, the International Macroeconomics Chair, the CEPII, the Bank of Spain and the Global Migration Center at the University of California, Davis would like to invite you to submit a paper to the first (...)


1st European Workshop on the Macroeconomic Implications of Migration

The International Migration Economics Chair, the International Macroeconomics Chair, the CEPII, the Bank of Spain and the Global Migration Center at the University of California, Davis are pleased to invite you to the first edition of the (...)


Ekaterina Zhuravskaya receives the 2023 IEA Fellow Award from the International Economic Association

The International Economic Association (IEA) has announced the 2023 laureates of the IEA Fellow Award. Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, professor at the Paris School of Economics and director of studies at (...)


« Une brève histoire de l’économie » | Daniel Cohen

Daniel Cohen sums up the history of economics, thus synthesising his life’s work. He presents an overview of the evolution of society in this field, culminating in a reflection on the struggle between man and machine. Une brève histoire de (...)


Conference | How can a UN Tax Convention address inequality in Europe and beyond? | March 14-15

On Thursday March 14 and Friday March 15, 2024, a conference will bring together researchers, policymakers and civil society from across Europe and beyond, to discuss inequality and the global tax architecture. The event will take place at the (...)


Call for papers | 2nd Paris Conference on the Macroeconomics of Expectations

The International Macroeconomics Chair at the Paris School of Economics is pleased to announce the 2nd Paris Conference on the Macroeconomics of Expectations. Date: 6-7 June 2024 Location: HEC Paris Using micro-data on households, firms and (...)


Discover the activity report of the International Macroeconomics Chair

2022-2023 Activity Report 2022-2023 of the International Macroeconomics Chair